Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 18th December 2019

Chairman: Councillor N Sherwood
Venue: Conference Room, Church Square House, Scunthorpe
Time: 2 pm
Email address:


  1. Substitutions.

  2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).

  3. To take the minutes of the meetings held on 20 November 2019 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign.

  4. Applications deferred from previous meetings for a site visit.

  5. Major Planning Applications.

  6. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

  7. Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Group Manager - Development Management and Building Control unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT:- Councillor N Sherwood (Chair)

Councillors Evison (Vice-Chairman), Armiger, Bainbridge, Clark, L Foster, Gosling, Longcake, Mitchell, and Southern.

Councillor(s) Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Rowson, and Waltham MBE attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Church Square House, High Street, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared a personal interest:-
Councillor T Mitchell
Minute 1995; Application PA/2019/1481; Member of Epworth Town Council

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:-
Councillor E Marper
Application PA/2018/2534 Minute 1993
Councillor T Mitchell
Application PA/2019/1481 Minute 1995
Councillor N Sherwood
Application PA/2019/1454 Minute 1994

1992 MINUTES - Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 20 November 2019, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.

1993 APPLICATION DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - In accordance with the decision at the previous meeting, members had undertaken a site visit on the morning of the meeting. The Group Manager – Development Management and Building Control submitted reports and updated them orally.

(i) PA/2018/2534 by Mr Craig Hawley, Gleeson Regeneration Ltd for planning permission to erect 120 dwellings at land east of Top Road, Winterton.

The applicant stated that the proposed development would help provide quality, affordable housing in Winterton, with associated opportunities for employment and inward investment. The proposed development includes a significant Section 106 contribution which would enable the provision of affordable social housing.

Cllr Rowson stated that there was a lack of capacity to deal with standing and flood water in this area, and that Anglian Water had failed to object. Cllr Rowson also stated that Winterton Town Council was looking to extend the existing playing fields, and that, if the proposal went ahead, the Section 106 contribution should be allocated for this purpose. Cllr Rowson also raised concerns about vehicular access onto the busy A1077 and footpath maintenance, and suggested that the Committee may consider refusing the application.

Cllr Ogg echoed this, stating that local residents and councillors were concerned about surface water, sewerage, and the potential for traffic accidents when accessing the A1077.

Cllr Evison also stated that there were a range of problems associated with the site, including traffic management, foul and surface water, the mix and quality of proposed housing, and a lack of sustainable transportation and development.

Cllr L Foster stated that the Committee appear to favour development in Scunthorpe, rather than the surrounding towns and villages.. Cllr Foster stated that the developer specialised in much-needed properties for first time buyer.

Cllr Foster stated that there was significant demand for housing in Winterton and refusing this application would disproportionately impact on younger residents.

Cllr Gosling requested clarification from officers on highways issues, which was provided.

Cllr Bainbridge agreed with Cllr L Foster that there was no good reason to refuse the application, and that the Section 106 contribution would greatly assist the town.

It was moved by Cllr Evison and seconded by Cllr Longcake that -

Planning permission be refused for the following reasons:-

The proposed access arrangement would intensify the use of the existing highway infrastructure exacerbating existing local highway safety concerns. The proposals would therefore carry highway safety impacts that would put both existing and future users at risk. The proposed development is contrary to the aims of saved policies T2 and H5 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2003).

Insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that the proposed development would not lead to an increase in flood risk as an inadequate assessment has been carried out in respect of surface and foul water drainage. The proposed development is therefore contrary to saved policies DS13, DS14 and DS16 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2003).

Insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate how the proposed development would reduce car-based travel through the integration of walking and cycling routes and connections to the public transport network given the site's location to the northwest edge of the settlement. The proposed development is therefore contrary to policies CS2 and CS25 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy (2011).

The proposed development is not considered to deliver high quality design by virtue of its appearance and layout which is considered to be out of keeping with the character of the area. The proposed development is therefore contrary to policy CS5 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy (2011) and saved policies DS1 and H5 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2003).

Motion Carried.

(ii) PA/2019/984 by Mr Robert Kneale for planning permission to erect a dwelling with associated works at land adjacent to Samantha, Main Street, Howsham, LN7 6LD.

Cllr Mitchell stated that they had some reservations with the proposal, as it was very close to the adjacent properties and not in keeping with the street scene.

It was moved by Cllr Evison and seconded by Cllr Longcake that -

Planning permission be refused for the following reasons:-

The proposal would result in a cramped form of development that would be out of keeping with the street scene and would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area. The proposed development is therefore contrary to policy CS5 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy (2011) and saved policies DS1 and H5 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan (2003).

Motion Carried.

1994 MAJOR APPLICATIONS - The Group Manager - Development Management submitted a report containing details of major applications for determination by the committee, including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.

(i) PA/2019/1336 by Mr Mark Snowden, Keigar Homes Ltd for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline application PA/2015/1390 granted on appeal 01/08/2017 at land rear of North Street and Cemetery Road, Winterton.

The agent for the applicant stated that the proposed properties would be in keeping with the local area, attractively landscaped and with a generous footprint. The proposal would also include much-needed bungalow accommodation. There were no concerns from officers, and the developer was content with the suggested conditions.

Cllr Marper stated that they still had some concerns about the proposal, including difficult emergency access and lack of footpaths, and that they would prefer a greater quantity of bungalows.

Cllr Ogg stated that they would prefer to see a larger play area.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(ii) PA/2019/1454 by Mr Mark Snowden, Keigar Homes Ltd for planning permission to erect 23 dwellings with associated driveways, new access road and public open space at land off Victoria Road, Barnetby le Wold, DN38 6HP.

An objector addressed the committee, acknowledging that the proposal would improve a poor site, but raising concerns about drainage in the area. The proposed measures were insufficient and residents were concerned that the sloping road could lead to surface water flowing towards nearby Chestnut Grove and Woodland View. The objector asked that, if the application was approved, the conditions on flooding should be strictly enforced.

A second objector echoed these concerns, stating that there had been significant flooding in 2007. Local residents were concerned that this could happen again, and that there was a need for robust flood prevention. The objector queried whether the measures within the application were sufficient.

The applicant stated that the proposed development would greatly improve a dilapidated site, and that the proposal included a number of measures to address flooding in the area. In addition, the site was identified in the local plan as suitable for development and the attached Section 106 would benefit the local area. In response to concerns around flooding, the applicant stated that they had worked with council officers and other professionals to reduce the risk through a number of mechanisms, and that these steps were acceptable to the local authority. Similarly, the council had expressed no concerns around highways issues.

Cllr Waltham stated that he agreed with the concerns set out by the residents, and was keen to avoid any further instance of flooding. Cllr Waltham stated that he had spoken to officers about these concerns. Cllr Waltham believed that the Section 106 contribution should be retained within Barnetby to improve the play area.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report, with the Section 106 contribution being amended so that it is utilised to improve the public open space in Barnetby (village hall playing field).

1995 PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS - The Group Manager - Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members' questions as requested.

(i) PA/2019/1481 by Tim and Rebecca Collinson, Collinson Agriculture Ltd for planning permission to site a mobile home as a temporary agricultural worker's dwelling at land north of Stecking Drain, off West End Road, Epworth, DN9 1LD.

The applicant stated that they operated a rare breed pig and sheep enterprise, which was expanding. As such, they required a temporary structure to ensure a presence on-site, in order to care for the animals and to prevent thefts.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(ii) PA/2019/1726 by Mr Geoffrey Buckley for planning permission to erect a detached dwelling with integral garage and carport at land adjacent to The Old Vicarage, 26 Main Street, Thornton Curtis, DN39 6XW.

The agent for the applicant described the site, stating that the description as 'open countryside' was misleading, and that the proposal would improve the area. The agent stated that all residents who had responded were in favour of development.

It was moved by Cllr Evison and seconded by Cllr Longcake that -

Planning permission be granted, subject to the following conditions.

The development must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

To comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: DRWG/PA/2019/1726/01, PD001, PD002 Rev A, PD004 Rev A and PD006.

For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

No above-ground works shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority of the make, type and colour of all external facing materials for the development and only the approved materials shall be used.

To ensure that the building is in keeping with its surroundings in the interests of visual amenity, in accordance with policy DS1 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

No loose material shall be placed on any driveway or parking area within 10 metres of the adopted highway unless measures are taken in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority to prevent the material from spilling onto the highway. Once agreed and implemented these measures shall be retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), nothing shall at any time be erected, retained, planted or allowed to grow over 1.05 metres in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway for a distance of 2 metres from the highway boundary across the site frontage.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

The dwelling shall not be occupied until the vehicular access to it and the vehicle parking and turning space(s) serving it have been completed and, once provided, the vehicle parking and turning space(s) shall be retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

No above-ground works shall take place until details (including timings) of the relocation of the street lighting column has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

The approved dwelling shall not be occupied until the street lighting column has been relocated in accordance with the approved details.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

If, during development, any odorous, discoloured or otherwise visually contaminated material is found to be present at the site then no further development shall be carried ut until a written method statement detailing how this contamination shall be dealt with has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other off-site receptors in accordance with policy DS7 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of an archaeological mitigation strategy, to be defined in a written scheme of investigation that has been submitted to, and approved in writing, by the local planning authority. The strategy shall accord with a brief provided by North Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record and shall include details of the following:

(i) measures to ensure the preservation by record of archaeological features of identified importance

(ii) methodologies for the recording of the historic buildings and recovery of archaeological remains, including artefacts and ecofacts

(iii) post-fieldwork methodologies for assessment and analyses

(iv) report content and arrangements for dissemination, and publication proposals

(v) archive preparation and deposition with recognised repositories

(vi) a timetable of works in relation to the proposed development, including sufficient notification and allowance of time to ensure that the site work is undertaken and completed in accordance with the strategy

(vii) monitoring arrangements, including the notification in writing to the North Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record of the commencement of archaeological works and the opportunity to monitor such works

(viii) a list of all staff involved in the implementation of the strategy, including sub-contractors and specialists, their responsibilities and qualifications.

To comply with paragraph 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy CS6 of the Core Strategy and policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site potentially contains archaeologically significant remains that the development would otherwise destroy; the archaeological mitigation strategy is required in order to preserve archaeological evidence by means of a comprehensive record and creation of a permanent archive, to advance public understanding. The archaeological mitigation strategy must be prepared and approved for implementation prior to the commencement of any groundwork within the application site that would otherwise result in destruction without record.

The applicant shall notify the planning authority in writing of the intention to commence the archaeological site works at least one week/seven days before commencement. Thereafter, the archaeological mitigation strategy shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and timings.

To comply with paragraph 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy CS6 of the Core Strategy and policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site potentially contains archaeologically significant remains that the development would otherwise destroy; the archaeological mitigation strategy is required in order to preserve archaeological evidence by means of a comprehensive record and creation of a permanent archive, to advance public understanding. The archaeological mitigation strategy must be prepared and approved for implementation prior to the commencement of any groundwork within the application site that would otherwise result in destruction without record.

A copy of any analysis, reporting, publication or archiving required as part of the mitigation strategy shall be deposited at the North Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record within six months of the date of completion of the development hereby approved by this permission or such other period as may be agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

To comply with paragraph 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy CS6 of the Core Strategy and policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site potentially contains archaeologically significant remains that the development would otherwise destroy; the archaeological mitigation strategy is required in order to preserve archaeological evidence by means of a comprehensive record and creation of a permanent archive, to advance public understanding. The archaeological mitigation strategy must be prepared and approved for implementation prior to the commencement of any groundwork within the application site that would otherwise result in destruction without record.

No development shall take place until details showing an effective method of preventing surface water run-off from hard paved areas within the site onto the highway have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These facilities shall be implemented prior to the access and parking facilities being brought into use and thereafter so retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan, policies CS18 and CS19 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy and paragraph 163 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

No development shall take place until details showing an effective method of preventing surface water run-off from the highway onto the developed site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These facilities shall be implemented prior to the access and parking facilities being brought into use and thereafter so retained.

To prevent the increased risk of flooding to themselves and others, to improve and protect water quality, and to ensure the implementation and future maintenance of the sustainable drainage structures in accordance with policy DS16 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan, policies CS18 and CS19 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy and paragraphs 155, 157, 163 and 165 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

No development shall take place until a species protection plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The plan shall include details of measures to avoid harm to bats, badgers, hedgehogs and nesting birds during vegetation clearance and construction works.

To conserve and enhance biodiversity in accordance with saved policy LC5 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan and policy CS17 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

Within three months of the commencement of development, the applicant or their successor in title shall submit a biodiversity management plan to the local planning authority for approval in writing. The plan shall include:

(a) details of at least two bat roosting features to be installed;

(b) details of nesting sites to be installed to support house sparrows;

(c) restrictions on lighting to avoid impacts on bat roosts, bat foraging areas, bird nesting sites and sensitive habitats;

(d) prescriptions for the retention, planting and aftercare of native trees, hedgerows and shrubs of high biodiversity value;

(e) proposed timings for the above works in relation to the completion of the building.

To conserve and enhance biodiversity in accordance with policies CS5 and CS17 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

The biodiversity management plan and species protection plan shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and timings, and the approved features shall be retained thereafter, unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority. The applicant or their successor in title shall submit photographs of the installed bat roosting and bird nesting features and planted trees and shrubs, within two weeks of installation, as evidence of compliance with this condition.

To conserve and enhance biodiversity in accordance with policies CS5 and CS17 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

Informative 1
The development hereby granted planning permission requires works to be carried out within the limits of the adopted (public) highway. Therefore:

– before ANY construction works take place within the limits of the highway you MUST contact the highway authority on telephone number 01724 297000 to arrange for the relevant permissions/licenses to be issued;

– before ANY service (utility) connections take place within the limits of the highway you MUST contact the highway authority on telephone number 01724 297319 to arrange for the relevant permissions/licenses to be issued.

Informative 2
In determining this application, the council, as local planning authority, has taken account of the guidance in paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework in order to seek to secure sustainable development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area.

Motion carried.

(iii) PA/2019/1810 by Mr Mark Kulleseid for planning permission to erect detached dwelling at 8 School Lane, Appleby, DN15 0AN.

Cllr Mumby-Croft expressed a number of concerns about the proposed site, and requested that the Committee consider conducting a site visit.

Resolved -That the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the committee to visit the site.
