Meeting documents

Tuesday 10th July 2012

PRESENT: Councillor Briggs (vice chairman) in the chair.Councillors Poole, C Sherwood, N Sherwood and Waltham.

Councillors Ali, Bunyan, Carlile, Clarke, Collinson, Eckhardt, England, L Foster, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, O’Sullivan, Robinson, Rowson, Wells, Whiteley and Wilson also attended the meeting.

Simon Driver, Will Bell, Frances Cunning, Mick Gibbs, Denise Hyde, Chris Matthews, Karen Pavey, Peter Thorpe, Susan Twemlow, Mike Wedgewood, Jason Whaler, Peter Williams and Mel Holmes also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


974 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 13 March, 2012, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

975 (1) OUTSTANDING ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which contained a schedule of outstanding issues on which cabinet had requested reports to future meetings.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

976 (2) COUNCIL STRATEGY 2012/2016 AND PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK – The Chief Executive submitted a report which sought approval to the council’s strategy for 2012/2016 and its supporting performance framework.

“Going Forward Together”, the council’s previous strategic plan had been approved in April 2009 and set out the council’s priorities for three years to 2012. A new plan had now been developed to reflect the council’s priorities for the coming four years. The strategy outlined the challenges and opportunities facing the council and set out four strategic priorities as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report. The strategy was attached as appendix A to the report.

In addition, a performance framework had been developed to measure progress ensuring that the council –

  • Makes decisions based on sound, data and intelligence.
  • Tracks progress to ensure completion of actions.
  • Manages performance to ensure improvements are made.
  • Achieves planned improvements to services.
  • Improves outcomes for the residents of North Lincolnshire.

The performance framework was attached at appendix B to the report.

The report contained further information in relation to the strategy.

Resolved – That cabinet approve both the council’s strategy for 2012/2016 and the supporting framework.

977 (3) FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE OUTTURN 2011/2012 AND BUDGET REVIEW 2012/2013 – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report on the council’s financial performance for the year 2011/2012. The report also set out proposals to carry forward funding for specific purposes into 2012/2013 and provided a first budget review for the new financial year. The Director indicated that for the first time the report brought together in one report financial and performance information for the previous year. This allowed a broad judgement to be made of the impact of budget reductions on service delivery. It also showed improved performance on most measures at the same time as a real reduction in spending, which was a very positive outcome.

The report showed that –

  • Net service spending was within target, 1.2m (or 1%) below budget.
  • Capital Investment was 57.4m (9.5% or 6m less than planned).
  • And that on the range of service measures 86% met their targets or were within tolerance and 76% showed improvement on the previous year. Of the 14% that did not meet their targets plans were in place to improve performance.

Cabinet was invited to consider the financial outturn and performance for 2011/2012, the re-phasing of the capital programme, the carry forward of revenue underspends and the reallocation of the approved 2012/2013 revenue and capital budgets to match the new council directorate structure.

The report contained further detailed information about the outturn and budget review and included a number of appendices relating to the revenue budget, the capital programme, performance, the realignment of the capital budget and the carry forward of revenue budget savings from 2011/2012.

Resolved – (a) That cabinet notes the revenue, capital and performance outturn for 2011/2012 as detailed in appendices 1 – 5; (b) that cabinet approves the proposed revenue budgets at appendix 6A and the addition of the agreed carry forward of funds from 2011/2012, and (c) that cabinet approves the revised capital programme at appendices 7A and 7B.

978 (4) RESULTS OF THE OFSTED INSPECTION OF SAFEGUARDING AND LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN – A report was submitted by the Director of People on the results of the recent Ofsted inspection of safeguarding looked after children services in North Lincolnshire which had been published on 13 June 2012.

The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate the contribution made by relevant services in the local area towards ensuring that children and young people were properly safeguarded and to determine the quality of service provision for looked after children and care leavers. The Inspection Team consisted of four of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) and one Inspector from the Care Quality Commission. The inspection had been carried out under the Children Act 2004. Inspection of fieldwork had taken place between 23 April and 4 May 2012 and followed closely on an outstanding set of inspection results gained by the Youth Offending Service.

Paragraph 2.2 of the report set out the evidence evaluated by the Inspectors and paragraph 2.3 set out the inspection judgements using a four point scale ranging from outstanding to inadequate.

The judgements on North Lincolnshire were made on 22 aspects of the work involved in safeguarding children and looking after them in care and a table contained in paragraph 2.4 set out the aspects and the judgements that had been made about them. Of those 22 aspects of the work involved 12 were deemed to be outstanding and 10 good. This made North Lincolnshire one of only two local authorities in the country to receive a judgement of outstanding for overall effectiveness with regard to services for looked after children up to the end of May 2012. In addition, the judgement of good for overall effectiveness with regard to services to safeguard children also put North Lincolnshire firmly in the top half of local authorities inspected so far.

The report contained further information in relation to the inspection.

Members commented on the excellence of the service in North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – (a) That cabinet commends the results of the Ofsted Inspection of Safeguarding and Looked After Children, and (b) that all the staff involved be thanked for their hard work and commitment to achieving such a positive result.

979 (5) OUTCOMES OF HER MAJESTY’S INSPECTION OF PROBATION (HMIP) OF THE YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICE – The Director of People submitted a report updating cabinet on the outcomes of the Youth Offending Service re-inspection by HMIP.

Following a poor inspection in January 2011, a comprehensive improvement plan had been submitted to HMIP in February 2011. That plan had been supported and monitored by the Youth Offending Management Board and a re-inspection had taken place in January 2012. The report outlined the outcomes of the re-inspection which had been published on 9 May 2012 and had been subject to media release both from HMIP and the North Lincolnshire Youth Offending Management Board (YOMB).

Overall, the outcomes were that the Youth Offending Service in North Lincolnshire had gone from being one of the poorest in the country to an excellent service amongst the top 5% in England and Wales. The Youth Offending Service and the chair of the YOMB had received a congratulatory message acknowledging the achievements regarding the outcome from the Chief Executive of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

The published report highlighted the “very creditable” findings of the re-inspection, identifying only minimal areas for improvement and a much stronger performance and progress since the last inspection. The HMIP recognised the foundation for a sustained and significant improvements in the three core case inspection elements of practice, including –

  • Safeguarding (ensuring we assess the vulnerability of young people in the criminal justice system and they are protected)
  • Risk of harm (protecting the public).
  • Reducing the likelihood of re-offending.

The re-inspection also provided formal acknowledgement of effective leadership and management in North Lincolnshire and confirmed there was capacity of sustained improvement.

Resolved – (a) That cabinet welcomes the results of the HMIP re-inspection of the Youth Offending Service, and (b) that all the staff involved be thanked for their hard work and commitment to achieving such a positive result in relation to the service.

980 (6) MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Places submitted a report updating cabinet with progress made on a refresh of the Municipal Waste Management Strategy (MWMS) and to confirm arrangements for its formal adoption.

The council had adopted a first draft MWMS for North Lincolnshire in 2008. Prior to this, the government had published the National Waste Strategy for England in 2007. Stakeholders, including local residents were widely consulted and their feedback had been incorporated in the draft document. The proposed outcomes included a target to recycle 50% of household waste by 2010.

The cabinet member for Highways and Neighbourhoods had agreed to a review and updating of the strategy in January 2012. This was in the context of changes to national waste policy which included the publication of the government review of waste policy in England for 2011. The review process required the completion of a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) before the updated strategy could be adopted.

A strategic environmental options appraisal had been conducted to include amongst other options the examination of opportunities locally for treating the residual municipal waste that was not recovered for a re-use, recycling or composting. The assumptions made in 2008 had been re-visited and refined. Life cycle assessment techniques had been used which had not previously been available.

The SEA required that the council conduct an integrated sustainability appraisal and strategic environmental assessment. The outcome of this work was a comprehensive report, which had been deposited in the political group offices. In addition, a copy of the non technical summary of the report was attached as an appendix to the report submitted to cabinet.

Cabinet was asked to give consideration to the SA/SEA report following which a further five week period of statutory consultation with English Heritage, English Nature and the Environment Agency was then required. The council could then formally adopt the report, potentially as early as mid/late August 2012. However, this was dependent upon the outcomes of the further period of consultation. It was also suggested that the relevant cabinet member could take this decision.

The report contained further information in relation to this matter.

Resolved – (a) That cabinet approves the current draft of the SA/SEA (b) that cabinet agrees to refer the SA/SEA and associated documents to the relevant statutory bodies for the statutory final consultation; (c) that cabinet approves the uploading of the SA/SEA report onto the council’s website incorporating the MWMS, and (d) that the cabinet member for Highways and Neighbourhoods receive the final draft of the MWMS for approval following conclusion of the final statutory consultation.

981 (7) CORPORATE SCRUTINY PANEL REPORT – DEVELOPING THE ROLE OF OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which considered the report of the Corporate Scrutiny Panel entitled “Developing the Role of Overview and Scrutiny.”

Under the revised Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules agreed at the annual meeting of the council on 25 May 2011, scrutiny reports had now to be considered by cabinet. The Corporate Scrutiny Panel had completed a review into Developing the Role of Overview and Scrutiny.

Following the review, the panel had made 16 detailed recommendations and a copy of the full report including the recommendations was attached as an appendix to the report of the Director.

The former chairman of the Corporate Scrutiny Panel introduced the report which had been undertaken as a “Fitness Check” as part of its work to improve the overall effectiveness and impact of the Overview and Scrutiny function. He also thanked all those involved in the work of the panel and its concluding report.

Resolved – (a) That the report be received and (b) that the cabinet member for Policy and Resources and the Director of Policy and Resources consider the contents of the report and prepare an action plan in response to the recommendations for submission to a future meeting of the cabinet.

982 (8) PLACES SCRUTINY PANEL REPORT – NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which considered the report of the Places Scrutiny Panel entitled “Neighbourhood Watch in North Lincolnshire.”

Under the revised Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules agreed at the annual meeting of the meeting on 25 May 2011, scrutiny reports had now to be considered by cabinet. The Places Scrutiny Panel had recently completed a review into Neighbourhood Watch in North Lincolnshire.

Following the review, the panel had made 8 detailed recommendations and a copy of the full report including the recommendations was attached as an appendix to the report of the Director.

The chairman of the Places Scrutiny Panel introduced the report which had been undertaken to allow members to learn if the new arrangements in relation to Neighbourhood Watch were effective, provided co-ordinators with the support and information they needed and ultimately whether it provided value for money. The chairman thanked all those involved in the work of the panel and its concluding report.

Resolved – (a) That the report be received, and (b) that the cabinet member for Customer Services and the Director of Places consider the contents of the report and prepare an action plan in response to the recommendations for submission to a future meeting of cabinet.

