Meeting documents

Tuesday 10th October 2017


1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.
2. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of cabinet held on 18 July, 2017.
3. Forthcoming Action from Previous Meetings – Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships.
4. Budget Review 2017/18 – Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships.
5. Local Government Funding Review - Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships.
6. Ofsted Inspection of Services to Children in Need of Help and Protection, Children Looked After and Care Leavers - 20 June to 13 July 2017 - Report of the Director: Children and Community Resilience.
7. Scunthorpe Town Centre Programme - Report of the Executive Director: Commercial
8. Festival of Skills and Opportunities 2017- Report of the Director: Business Development.
9. Tour of Britain - Report of the Director: Business Development
10. Sexual Health and Wellbeing - Health Scrutiny Panel Report - Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships.
11. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:- Councillor Waltham (Chairman) in the Chair.

Councillors J Davison, Hannigan, Marper, Poole, Reed, Rose and C Sherwood.

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armiger, Bainbridge, Collinson, Ellerby, Evison, T Foster, Godfrey, Gosling, Longcake, Perry, Wilson and Wells also attended the meeting.

Simon Green, Becky McIntyre, Penny Spring, Peter Thorpe, Peter Williams, and Richard Mell also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


Councillor MinuteSubject
Councillor Briggs1277Family member an employee within Children Services

1273 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 18 July 2017, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1274 (7) FORTHCOMING ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report which contained a schedule of forthcoming issues on which cabinet had requested reports to future meetings.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

1275 (8) BUDGET REVIEW 2017/18 - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report on the October 2017/18 Budget Review (Quarter One). Budget review reports at quarterly intervals throughout the financial year provided cabinet with an update on spending in the year and highlighted any changes to the council's financial position. The approved revenue and capital budget and forecast outturn for 2017/18 was set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

The report also considered new information from government departments about potential future funding proposals and implications with regard to assumptions made within the Council's three-year plan.

The Director in her report summarised the following key points that (i) the Council's annual spending power for 2017/18 was 126.15m to deliver services and meet statutory duties. At quarter one, net spend was anticipated to be 127.56m by the end of year; (ii) the Council's planned capital spend for 2017/18 was 90.86m. Based on investment project timescales it was anticipated that a proportion of this spend would fall into 2018/19, and (iii) that cash balances and debt were being managed in line with the Council's approved treasury management strategy.

In addition, work was underway to review and refresh the medium term financial plan. The review would consider emerging national policy direction, economic conditions and the local government funding regime and would consider local planning and assumptions informed by the council's strategic direction and priorities; local assessment of needs and demographic changes; local growth within the tax base.

Resolved - (a) That thanks be extended to all employees involved in delivering balanced budgets, and (b) that the budget monitoring position for 2017/18 be noted.

1276 (9) LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING REVIEW - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report which provided cabinet with an update on the Local Government Funding Review following the election of the new government in June 2017.

The report explained that the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Local Government Association (LGA) co-chair a Needs and Resources Technical Working Group to support the shape and progress of the fair funding review for implementation in April 2020/21. The fair funding review would:

  • set new baseline funding allocations for local authorities, deliver an up-to-date assessment of the relative needs of local authorities;
  • examine the relative resources of local authorities;
  • focus initially on the services currently funded through the local government finance settlement, and
  • be developed through close collaboration with local government to seek views on the right approach

The Director in her report stated that there was an opportunity to work with local authority partners across the Greater Lincolnshire area to provide necessary evidence to inform a fair funding review and options for re-distribution.

Resolved – (a) That the current position in respect of the national fair funding review be noted, and (b) that collaborative working with the Greater Lincolnshire councils to identify evidence that supports a better funding outcome for North Lincolnshire be endorsed.

1277 (10) OFSTED INSPECTION OF SERVICES TO CHILDREN IN NEED OF HELP AND PROTECTION, CHILDREN LOOKED AFTER AND CARE LEAVERS - 20 JUNE - 13 JULY 2017 - The Director: Children and Community Resilience submitted a report reporting the outcome of the above Ofsted inspection carried out in accordance with section 136 of the Education and Inspections Act. The last inspection was held in 2012. The inspectors also undertook a review of Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) under section 15A of the Children Act 2004.

Overall the inspection team made seven judgements, six in relation to services to children and one in relation to the review of the LSCB as follows -

  • Children Services in North Lincolnshire were judged as 'Outstanding'.
  • Children in need of help and protection as 'Good'
  • Children Looked After and Achieving Permanence as 'Outstanding'
  • Adoption as 'Outstanding'
  • Experiences and progress of Care Leavers as 'Outstanding'
  • Leadership, Management and Governance as 'Outstanding'
  • Review of LSCB as 'Outstanding'

The report set out the inspector's report Executive Summary, and the full report was attached as an appendix.

Resolved - (a) That the outcome of the Inspection be noted, and (b) that all staff and managers involved in the inspection and associated delivery of services to children in North Lincolnshire be thanked for their work and outstanding inspection report.

1278 (11) SCUNTHORPE TOWN CENTRE PROGRAMME- Further to minute 1270, the Executive Director: Commercial submitted a report updating cabinet on the Scunthorpe Town Centre Programme. Scunthorpe Town Centre had a significant role to play in the economy of North Lincolnshire. The Council with key partners had announced their ambitious vision for Scunthorpe Town Centre earlier this year, with plans seeing 60m investment up to 2022 as Scunthorpe Town Centre moved towards becoming the centre for business and learning in North Lincolnshire.

The report explained that plans included the delivery of 12 projects. These projects included the delivery of the new ONGO head office, which was on site and due for completion by March 2018 and The Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership infrastructure scheme which had 4m agreed in the LEP programme, with work due to start this financial year.

A bid for 8m had been submitted to the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership to support the delivery of the first quadrant of the University Campus North Lincolnshire.

The Executive Director in his report stated that the town centre programme was managed through the town centre board which met on a six weekly cycle to monitor progress across the 12 projects. The board had agreed a clear narrative for the town centre, which was being used to support inward investment enquiries in the town centre, and had included the 'change of use' application for the retail unit previously occupied by BHS. The board was also working towards a new masterplan for the Town Centre to provide a sound evidence base as the new local plan emerged. Over the next six months the programme would be concentrating on the work around the Town Centre Masterplan, Public Sector Hub, Scunthorpe Market consultation, the 1m enhancement and refurbishment of Central Library, Town Centre Living through new housing provision and the NHS accommodation.

Resolved - That the report and the progress on the development of the Scunthorpe town centre be noted.

1279 (12) FESTVAL OF SKILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2017 - The Director: Business Development submitted a report updating cabinet following the month long Festival of Skills held during September/October 2016 and outlined proposals for the event to be held between 14 September and 2 November in 2017.

The report explained that the Council was developing a Skills and Employability Plan 2017-2022, which set out the high level ambitions the council wanted to achieve in order to drive forward skill levels and employment in the area. The plan was one of a wider bookcase of plans that are being development to bring together priorities to create a prosperous North Lincolnshire.In support of the emerging Skills and Employability Plan the council had continued to develop the Festival of Skills and Opportunities. During the month of October 2016, a number of events attended by over 4000 people were successfully delivered within the community. The programme linked in with the longstanding careers event, working in partnership with John Leggott Collage, North Lindsey College, Job Centre Plus, Army Barracks and local businesses.

In 2017 it was agreed to enhance and support existing activity via events and workshops that broaden the employment skills, enhancing the Employability Framework, working with the wider population of the area. Paragraph 2.4 of the report outlined the programme for 2017, which included two new events 'Women Returning to Work' - targeting those women who were looking to return to the labour market following a career break and the 'Ability Event'- looking to encourage businesses to support those with disabilities into the work force.

Resolved - (a) That the programme for the Festival of Skills and Opportunities 2017 be endorsed, and (b) that Cabinet receive an evaluation report of the Festival of Skills and Opportunities in December 2017.

1280 (13) TOUR OF BRITAIN - The Director: Business Development submitted a report advising cabinet on the benefits and legacy of the Tour of Britain men's cycling race held in North Lincolnshire on 5 September 2017.

The report explained that the Tour of Britain men's cycle race was the largest free to watch sporting event in the UK. It attracted over 2million live spectators along the eight stages of the route which travelled through the UK. It was screened live on TV in over 129 countries with over eight million viewers watching live on TV. Stage 3 of the 2017 Tour of Britain race was held fully within the boundary of North Lincolnshire. The race attracted 20 grand tour international cycling teams with a number of high-profile riders. The stage started from Normanby Hall and travelled through 46 villages before finishing at Central Park, Scunthorpe.

Initial feedback from Sweetspot, the race organisers, had been very positive particularly the organisation and space at the start and finish locations and the clear route. They also particularly commented on the numbers of spectators along the race. Local communities had worked together in the towns and villages along the route which had been decorated with bunting and green cycles. Feedback has confirmed this not only demonstrated community pride but created at atmospheric environment for the riders.

A number of competitions and events were organised as part of the event and its legacy programme to continue the interest in cycling and promote community cohesion and wellbeing and reinforce the 'outdoor' attraction of North Lincolnshire. Such a legacy programme would feed into and complement existing approaches addressing Wellbeing, Connected and Marketing aspects of North Lincolnshire. A North Lincolnshire Tour of Britain Sportive for example, took place on 10th September 2017 and would continue for a further 4 years.

The Director stated that an economic impact assessment report would be produced identifying the benefits accrued of delivering this major event in North Lincolnshire. Also, a legacy of events and activities would be agreed to build on the place marketing opportunities created by the event coming to North Lincolnshire and to further promote the area as a location to visit and cycle. Legacy opportunities suggested were listed in the report.

Resolved - (a) That the report and success of the event be noted; (b) that a future report outlining the economic benefit and a proposed legacy programme be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet, and (c) that everyone involved in the team that organised and supported the event be thanked for their hard work and delivering such a special, successful and memorable occasion.

1281 (14) SEXUAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING - HEALTH SCRUTINY PANEL REPORT - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report which attached the report of the Health Scrutiny Panel on Sexual Health and Wellbeing for consideration by Cabinet of its recommendations, with a view to the eventual preparation of an action plan, which would be submitted to a future meeting.

The Health Scrutiny Panel had approved its report at its meeting on 26 June 2017. The report concluded the review which aimed to ensure that services were sufficiently 'joined up' and that they were responsive and accessible to local people. A copy of the full report was attached as an appendix.

Resolved - (a) That the report and recommendations of the Health Scrutiny Panel be received, approved and adopted; (b) that relevant officers and cabinet members prepare a coordinated action plan in response to the recommendations of the report for submission to a future meeting of the Cabinet, and (c) that the chairman and members of the scrutiny panel and associated officers be thanked for their hard work in producing the report.
