Meeting documents

Monday 15th July 2019

Chairman: Councillor R Waltham MBE
Venue: Conference Room, Church Square House, Scunthorpe
Time: 3pm.
E-Mail Address:


1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

2. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 30 January, 2019.

3. 'Summer Programme for Families' - Presentation by the Director: Learning, Skills and Culture.

4. Financial Position update - Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships (to follow)

5. Carbon Management Strategy 2017-22 - Progress update - Report of the Director: Operations

6. Progress on Armed Forces Covenant - Report of the Director: Children and Community Resilience

7. Council Plan 2018-19 Progress Statement - Report of the Director: Governance and Partnerships

8. North Lincolnshire Council Organisational Development Plan - Implementation update - Report of the Director: Business Development

9. North Lincolnshire Community Lottery - 'Lincs Lotto' - Report of the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing

10. UK Steel Charter - Report of the Deputy Chief Executive

11. Regenerating Scunthorpe Town Centre - Report of the Director: Business Development

12. Enabling the Community and Voluntary Sector – Report of the Director: Children and Community Resilience

13. Corporate Parenting in North Lincolnshire - Report of the Director: Children and Community Resilience

14. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT: – Councillor Waltham MBE in the Chair.

Councillors Hannigan (vice-chair), J Davison, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Reed, Rose and C Sherwood

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Briggs, Clark, Collinson, A Davison, Grant, Mumby-Croft, Southern, O'Sullivan, K.Vickers, and Wilson also attended the meeting.

Denise Hyde, Simon Green, Mick Gibbs, Becky McIntyre, Helen Manderson, Peter Thorpe, Penny Spring, W Bell and Richard Mell attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Church Square, Scunthorpe.

1333 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS - Councillor Waltham MBE declared a personal interest as buyer of the North Lincolnshire Community Lottery 'Lincs Lotto' and through the lottery as a former winner of free tickets to an event (minute 1340 refers) and Councillor R Hannigan declared a personal interest as a governor of the North Lincolnshire UTC (minute 1342 refers).

1334 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 30 January 2019 having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1335 'SUMMER PROGRAMME FOR FAMILIES' - The Director: Learning, Skills and Culture gave a presentation to the Cabinet on Summer Activities for Children, Young People and Families in North Lincolnshire. The presentation summarised how the council had enabled children, young people and families to participate in positive activities throughout the summer holidays, identified summer 2018 highlights and feedback from 2018, and introduced new and scheduled activities for summer 2019, together with associated activity promotion.

Resolved - (a) That Peter Thorpe be thanked for his informative presentation, and (b) that he and his staff be thanked for the excellent activities being provided to children, young people and families.

1336 FINANCIAL POSITION 2018/19 AND MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report providing Cabinet with an overview of the Council's financial performance in 2018/19 and with an update on the medium term financial plan 2019/23 and revenue budget 2019/20. The report also highlighted some of the key findings from a Local Government Association (LGA) peer review of the council finances that took place in May 2019 and provided assurances on the Council's financial sustainability and its reserves policy.

The Director in her report explained that the council had set an annual budget for 2018/19 based upon the identified funding available in its medium term financial plan 2018-23. Throughout the year, the council managed its spending within a statutory framework ensuring that it remained within cash limits. The council had set its revenue investment cash limit for the year at 137.7m, based on revenue received from Government grants, council tax, business rates and incorporating planned use of revenue reserves. Appendix 1 summarised the level of planned funding for 2018/19 compared to final funding applied.

The report also stated that financial management was the responsibility of Directors and delegated to relevant budget holders across service areas. Day to day costs of running the council and providing services was classified as revenue spending. In total the council's revenue spend amounted to 113.3m, representing a very minor underspend of 0.1m. Appendix 1 also provided a summary of spend compared to budget, together with an analysis of key variances. Effective cash and risk management delivered 2.8m of one-off savings, which contributed positively to the overall position and could also be seen in appendix 1.

Investment in long term assets such as roads and buildings was classified as capital spending. In total the council's capital spend amounted to 60.7m achieving 86% delivery of the whole programme and significant improvement compared to previous years. Details of capital were included in a separate report to the Cabinet Member for Prosperity and decision of 22 July 2019.

The Director in her report also stated that the council had invested 134.8m delivering its objectives, whilst maintaining high quality and good outcomes for North Lincolnshire residents. It had also invested 60.7m in improving assets and infrastructure for the benefit of people and communities across North Lincolnshire. Also a robust budget had been approved by the Council for 2019/20, delivery of which provided a good foundation upon which to base medium term financial planning for 2020 and beyond. She also explained that the Local Government Finance Settlement had reached its final year, and to date, there had been no further government consultations published in respect of proposals for next years' funding settlement. In this context a prudent approach was recommended in determining budgets for 2020/21.

Resolved - (a) The council's financial performance in 2018/19 be noted, and (b) that the refined approach to risk led financial monitoring in 2019/20 and the revised budget 2019/20 be noted.

1337 CARBON MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2017/22 - PROGRESS UPDATE - The Director: Operations submitted a report on the progress of the Council's Carbon Management Strategy 2017-22 (the strategy) which was approved by the Cabinet Member for Safer, Greener and Cleaner Places in February 2018. The strategy set out the council's approach and action plan towards reducing carbon emissions and associated energy, fuel and utility costs. The strategy built on the Carbon Management Plan 2009-16, which delivered a 40% reduction in carbon emissions and was estimated to have realised overall financial benefits of circa. 12 million through cost reduction and avoidance.

The report explained that the 2017-2022 strategy scoped out four priorities for action. Priority 1 was 'Low Carbon Council' with the aim to reduce carbon emissions across the council's estate and operations. Consequently, the strategy included an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions by an additional 25% set against a 2015/16 baseline. It also included a plan for delivering cumulative financial benefit of circa. 4m in cost reduction and avoidance. Priority 2 was 'Low Carbon Economy' which intended to promote business resource efficiency and help low carbon businesses growth in North Lincolnshire. Priority 3 was 'Low Carbon Communities' this intended to support and promote community action for low carbon living. Finally, priority 4 was 'Low Carbon Transport' and focused on reducing energy use and carbon emissions from transport.

To date, the focus of activity had concentrated on priority 1 – 'Low Carbon Council' and details of achievements to date were set out in the report across all of the four priorities. For the remaining period covered by the strategy the council needed to consider how it prioritised and organised council-wide activity to ensure an optimised, 'one council' and area wide approach to carbon management.

Resolved - (a) That Cabinet welcomes the progress achieved to date in the delivery of the Carbon Management Strategy 2017-22 and as a result, the significant progress achieved so far towards becoming a 'low carbon council', (b) that Cabinet agrees that work should continue to make the performance of the council as a 'low carbon council' even better over the remaining period of the strategy, as set out in the strategy. With this in mind, the council re-sets its carbon emissions reduction objectives towards achieving a challenging 'stretch' target of an overall 45% reduction in carbon emissions across its estate and operations for the period 2017-22, thereby representing a 20% increase above our original target and 12% above what we had already been achieved, and (c) that officers from across the council be encouraged to consider the contributions they can make towards achieving the stretch target in (b) above.

1338 PROGRESS REPORT ON ARMED FORCES COVENANT - The Director: Children and Community Resilience submitted a report on progress on the Armed Forces Covenant and associated Armed Forces and Veterans Work in North Lincolnshire. The North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Community Covenant was an agreement of a voluntary pledge of mutual support between a civilian community and its local armed forces. Its aim was to strengthen links between the community and local armed forces personnel, their families and service veterans. The covenant aimed to:

  • Encourage local communities to support the armed forces community in their areas.
  • Nurture public understanding and awareness about the issues affecting the armed forces community.
  • Recognise and remember sacrifices made by the armed forces.
  • Promote activities which help integrate the armed forces community into local life.
  • Encourage the armed forces to help and support the wider community through participation in joint projects and other forms of engagement.

The report stated that North Lincolnshire Council had undertaken a considerable amount of work in 2019 to implement the work of the Covenant and provide support to local organisations and charities who work with young people, veterans and their families. Examples of the work undertaken included -

  • Training
  • Communications
  • Regional Conference
  • North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Forum
  • North Lincolnshire Veterans' Community Hub, and
  • Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award

The Director in her report also highlighted work proposed for 2019/20 which included - Armed Forces Covenant Forum and Pathways, Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award, Training Package Delivery, Remembrance Parade 2019, Armed Forces Day 2019 and VE Day Celebrations.

Resolved - (a) That the progress made in implementing the Armed Forces Covenant be noted; (b) that the Cabinet continues to support the work to be undertaken in 2019/20, and (c) that the Cabinet raises the profile of the Covenant work and promotes the Armed Forces Covenant at all relevant opportunities.

1339 COUNCIL PLAN 2018/19 - PROGRESS STATEMENT - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report providing Cabinet with a progress statement on the delivery of the council plan priorities and associated key actions as at June 2019. It also updated Cabinet on the recognition that the council had received over the last 12 months through a variety of national public sector award schemes.

The progress statement which was attached as Appendix A to the report had monitored the delivery of the plan throughout 2018/19 to ensure that focus was maintained on the council priorities. The statement identified the progress the council had made in the delivery of its priorities and key actions and significant highlights included -

Growing the local economy

  • Over 700 jobs created in the last 12 months by attracting 23 new inward investors to North Lincolnshire
  • Implemented 37m of a 60m 5-year programme to regenerate Scunthorpe town centre
  • Facilitated the creation of the University Campus North Lincolnshire

Keeping people safe and well

  • Enabled residents of North Lincolnshire to have access to high quality care and support.
  • Built and opened the Axholme North Leisure Centre
  • Participated in the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign, supporting 300 Litter Heroes to clean up and sustain a community commitment to keeping the area clean

Enabling communities to flourish

  • Launched the safe-and-sound home assistance service, enabling 389 older residents to remain independently at home
  • Worked closely with our LGBT+ community to enable an inaugural Pride event in 2018 and a further event in 2019
  • Enhanced joint working and commissioning with Town and Parish councils to deliver summer maintenance programmes

The Director in her report also stated that over the past 12 months the council's work had been recognised through a range of national public sector award schemes, judged against 'best in class' regional and national local authorities and public organisations. Success at this level had demonstrated progress towards our ambition of being the #BestPlace for residents and #BestCouncil the council could be. These were summarised in Appendix B to the statement.

Resolved - (a) That the Council Plan 2018/19 progress statement attached as Appendix A of the report be noted; (b) that the recognition and awards achieved by teams across the council be welcomed, and (c) that an annual report on the Council Plan be considered by Cabinet at its meeting in November 2019.

1340 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - IMPLEMENTATION UPDATE - The Director: Business Development submitted a report providing Cabinet with an implementation update on progress made against the council's Organisational Development (OD) Plan 2018-2021.

The Director in her report explained that OD Plan and Outcomes Framework 2018-21 was the council's internal plan that drove the delivery of our ambition to be the Best Council it could be for the residents of North Lincolnshire. Using a Diagnostic Model the organisation looked at its strategy, culture, people, structure and process, to understand where it needed to focus. This enabled the council to identify three OD priorities and two key enablers. Each of the three OD priorities/enablers was led by a Director and had an Executive Group made up of key people in the organisation who drove the delivery of each priority. These groups had developed the OD outcomes framework into action plans to achieve the outcomes. OD Priority Director Leads were

  • Council Redesign - Peter Thorpe (Director Learning, Skills and Culture)
  • Workwell - Mick Gibbs (Director Children and Community Resilience)
  • Wellbeing – Karen Pavey (Director Adults and Community Wellbeing)

Enabler Director leads:

  • People - Helen Manderson (Director Business Development)
  • Digital - Becky McIntyre (Director Governance and Partnerships)

As a result of completing the OD diagnostic, the Director's report summarised the progress that had been made under the headings of Strategy, Structure, Process, People and Culture.

Resolved - That the work that has been undertaken towards implementation of the council's Organisational Development Plan and Outcomes Framework be noted.

1341 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COMMUNITY LOTTERY - 'LINCS LOTTO' - The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report on the progress of the Lincs Lotto and its contribution to achieving positive outcomes for communities of North Lincolnshire, and also sought Cabinet support to promote engagement of all local residents and encouragement of voluntary and community organisations to sign up to and participate in the Lincs Lotto.

The report explained that there 122 organisations were already signed up to the Lincs Lotto and applications were increasing. Groups for promoting health and wellbeing, sports clubs, youth groups, heritage and arts projects, community events and animal charities were just some of the groups generating additional income from community lottery. To date 52,000 had gone to local good causes with a further 37,000 generated to support organisations through the Community Grants Fund since the launch. Most groups were receiving amounts up to 500 per year with a small number gaining 1000 or more. Amounts to individual groups was dependent on the number of supporters they have and how many tickets purchased by them.

The Director also stated that ticket sales for 2018/19 totalled 91,900. The council was committed to building on this success by continuing to encourage voluntary and community organisations to sign up to Lincs Lotto and to participate in its promotion so that they continue to benefit financially through the sale of tickets. The ambition would be to increase sales by 25% by the end of 2020/21. There were a series of special prize draws planned over the coming months, the first being Saturday 13th July plus a celebratory draw for Lincs Lotto's 2nd birthday at the end of September. Proposals were being developed for a weeklong 'Give Where You Live' campaign in early 2020 to encourage people to support good causes in their local communities.

Furthermore, the Council was actively raising the profile of Lincs Lotto through building our online presence and face-to-face engagement. The package of support for organisations to participate in the promotion of Lincs Lotto to their own supporters was also being reviewed to ensure that it enabled groups to maximise the opportunities available to them.

Resolved - (a) That the progress of the Lincs Lotto and its contribution to achieving positive outcomes for communities of North Lincolnshire be noted, and (b) that the promotion of engagement for all local residents and the continued encouragement of voluntary and community organisations to sign up and participate in the Lincs Lotto be supported.

1342 UK STEEL CHARTER - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report providing an update on the outcomes achieved to date by the council through the implementation of its commitment to the UK Steel Charter and set out details of a new charter launched in May 2019. The council had been an active signatory to the UK Steel Charter for Sustainable British Steel since 2015.

The report stated that the council became a signatory to the Charter for Sustainable British Steel in 2015. Its purpose was to help level the playing field for UK steel producers through encouraging consideration of the social value opportunities and sustainability implications associated with the procurement and use of steel in major projects. Consequently, since 2015, around 1,000 tonnes of UK produced steel had been procured by the council and used in the construction of key community developments in North Lincolnshire, including North Axholme Leisure Centre, Bottesford and Belton visitor centres, Church Square House Extension and St. John's Market.

The Director in her report explained that in May 2019 the UK Steel industry launched a new UK Steel Charter to help maximise opportunities for UK steel producers and the wider UK economy by promoting specific measures that could be taken in relation to the procurement of steel for major projects. The Charter was closely aligned with the government’s Industrial Strategy, providing organisations with a range of steps they could take to support the steel industry through ensuring the maximum value was achieved in their projects.

Furthermore, the Leader of the Council and Cllr Briggs as Ambassador for Inward Investment and Steel signed the new UK Steel Charter in June 2019 (appendix 1 refers). It sets out a range of undertakings and commitments, including:

  • Developing a future steel pipeline
  • Monitoring levels of UK-produced steel used
  • Requiring tenderers to state the origin of steel to be provided
  • Stipulating the use of steel products accredited to BRE Standard BES 6001 in project plans and specifications
  • Hosting pre-procurement engagement events for major projects
  • Developing use of 'most economically advantageous tender' criteria to consider steel and supply chain issues
  • Appointing a 'Steel Champion'

At a meeting of Full Council on 28 June 2019, a joint motion was resolved unanimously which included a commitment to the use of UK steel in the council's procurement policies and encouraging government to do the same. Also, at the beginning of July the Leader of the Council wrote to around 100 non-metropolitan counties, metropolitan districts and unitaries encouraging them to join North Lincolnshire Council in signing the UK Steel Charter. The council's commitment to the charter and joint motion would be taken forward as part of the council's updated procurement policy and through the delivery of its capital and major project plans. Wider regional and national networks would also be utilised to encourage additional public sector signatories to the charter.

Resolved - (a) That the commitment to the new UK Steel Charter in support of the joint motion agreed at the meeting of the full Council on 28 June 2019 be noted, and (b) That a progress update on delivering the UK Steel Charter commitments be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting in November 2019.

1343 REGENERATING SCUNTHORPE TOWN CENTRE - The Director: Business Development submitted a report updating Cabinet on the progress of the Regeneration of Scunthorpe Town Centre. The council, together with its partners were committed to delivering #Best Place for residents through plans for a 60m investment in Scunthorpe Town Centre with the aim of transforming the town and creating a vibrant and thriving place where people would want to live, work, study, invest, visit and spend their leisure time.

The Director stated that the projects which had formed phase 1 of the regeneration were -

  • Development of ONGO Headquarters
  • Refurbishment of Scunthorpe Library to create Scunthorpe Central
  • Development of a new market offer
  • Delivery of a town centre masterplan
  • Extension of Church Square House to create a new town centre headquarters for the council
  • Development of a new University Offer
  • Delivery of new housing - West Street Housing - 22 Units, and
  • Improvements to road and pedestrian infrastructure initial investments

With the exception of the last three projects which were in development and to be completed by March 2020, all other were complete. Phase 2 of the town centre regeneration had five clear objectives for the enhanced growth of the town centre and realisation of Scunthorpe Town Centre Masterplan vision, to be achieved by projects and initiatives, and were as follows -

  • Improve connectivity
  • Support the development of housing
  • Provide the conditions to strengthen employment
  • Create conditions for prosperous quarters
  • Improve the quality of life

The Director in her report also summarised funding options and priorities through grant bids to the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership for the North Lincolnshire High Street Challenge Fund'.

Resolved – (a) That the work already taken place to regenerate Scunthorpe Town Centre be recognised, and (b) that the bid to the Humberside Local Enterprise Partnership for the North Lincolnshire High Street Challenge Fund be supported.

1344 ENABLING THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR -The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report on progress being made with developing work with the voluntary and community sector (VCS) and requested Cabinet to sign up to the North Lincolnshire Voluntary and Community Sector Charter, a copy of which was appended to the report.

The report explained that the Council was committed to working closely with the VCS to achieve better outcomes and consider the sector was pivotal to enabling;

  • Communities to be better connected
  • Enable strong communities to build neighbourhoods where people were proud to live, get on well together were safe and support each other
  • Enable people to experience improved wellbeing and prosperity

The development of an enabling relationship with the sector had collaboratively developed a local charter to put the relationship on a clear and transparent footing. The charter aims to

  • Provided a platform for voluntary and community organisations to build relationships with each other, the council and partners
  • Ensure the sector was represented when service delivery decisions were made
  • Develop a stronger, more equal relationship between the council and the voluntary sector
  • Enable voluntary and community sector organisations to come together to
  • share information, experiences and good practice
  • work collaboratively to find solutions to challenges facing the sector
  • start to identify where / how they might join together to seek funding opportunities

Members of the VCS Forum were also committed to follow the principles of the North Lincolnshire VCS Partnership Charter.

Resolved - (a) That the progress in the development of the work with the Voluntary and Community Sector be noted, and (b) that the Cabinet sign up to the Voluntary and Community Sector Charter, attached as an appendix to the report that has been developed with the sector.

1345 CORPORATE PARENTING IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE - The Director: Children and Community Resilience submitted a report seeking the ongoing support of and providing Cabinet with an update on Corporate Parenting in North Lincolnshire.

The report explained that the Children Act 2004 made it clear that the council must take the lead, via its lead member responsible for children and its Director of Children's Services, in bringing together a partnership designed to address the needs of children and young people in care as Corporate Parents. There was a strong commitment across the Council and our partners to Corporate Parenting with a focus on improving outcomes for the children in our care and care leavers.

The Council and its partners pledge to children in care and care leavers was contained within the North Lincolnshire Corporate Parenting Promise and the Local Offer to Care Leavers, attached as an appendix to the report. The Council reviewed regularly how it delivered these functions and that there were tangible outcomes through active and regular feedback from the children and young people. The well-established and successful Corporate Parenting Board (with recently refreshed membership) chaired by the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Culture, drove the commitment to Corporate Parenting in North Lincolnshire.

The Director in his report summarised good news stories as to how Corporate Parenting was making a difference and of recent example of individual successes with the help of Corporate Parents. Outcomes for children in care and care leavers continued to be positive with children in care and care leavers benefitting from increased stability in their care placements, consistent workers and fewer school changes. A higher proportion than the previous year of children in care living with North Lincolnshire Foster carers and the number of care leavers who are in education, employment and training continuing to be above comparators.

Resolved - (a) That the continuing progress and successes of Corporate Parenting in North Lincolnshire be welcomed and recognised, (b) that the cabinet continues to support and renew its commitment to Corporate Parenting in North Lincolnshire as detailed in the Corporate Parenting Promise.
