Meeting documents

Health and Wellbeing Board
Friday 8th December 2017

Chairman: Councillor Baroness Liz Redfern
Venue: Function Room 1, Civic Centre, Scunthorpe
Time: 9.30am
E-Mail Address:


1. Welcome and Introductions.
2. Substitutions.
3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.
4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 8 September 2017.
5. Questions from members of the public.
6. Food In North Lincolnshire (Part of the Sustainable Food Cities Programme) - Update by the Director: Public Health.


7. The Better Care Fund - Update by the Director: Adults & Wellbeing
8. Adults Social Care Local Account 2016/17- Report by the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing
9. Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Report of the Interim Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG
10. Health and Wellbeing Board - Governance and Working Practices – Report of the Director: Public Health
11. Integrated Assessment - Report of the Director: Public Health
12. Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2016/17 - Report of the Director of Children and Community Resilience
13. Local Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016/17 – Report by the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing
14. The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Update from the Director: Public Health
15. Care Quality Commission – Assessment of North Lincolnshire Health and Care – Report by the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing.
16. Date and time of next meeting: 16 March 2018.
17. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:- Councillor Baroness Redfern in the Chair

Ann-Marie Brierley, Nick Hamilton-Rudd, Steve Hepworth, Jenny Jenkinson, Cameron McFarlane, Karen Pavey, Cllr Reed, Emily Reseigh, Dr Margaret Sanderson, Penny Spring, Nick Tharratt, Anne Tyrrell, Alan Usher, and Julie Warren.

Cllr Collinson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

Dean Gillon, Julie Poole and Sajda Shah was in attendance.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

218 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the seventeenth meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.

219 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS - Dr Sanderson declared a personal interest as a practising GP on item 7 on the agenda (Better Care Fund, minute 223 refers).

220 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 8 September 2017 be approved as a correct record.

221 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - There were no questions from members of the public.

222 FOOD IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE (PART OF THE SUSTAINABLE FOOD CITIES PROGRAMME) - The Chairman described the Sustainable Food Cities Programme, explaining the aims of maximising the use of food that is accessible, locally sourced, environmentally sound, and a key part of building sustainable communities. The Chairman then invited all Board members to sign the 'Food in North Lincolnshire Pledge', committing all partners and their respective organisations to actively support the local vision of 'healthy people, vibrant communities, and a strong food economy'. The meeting was adjourned while the pledge was signed, and subsequently reconvened.

223 THE BETTER CARE FUND 2017/19 - The Director: Adults & Community Wellbeing gave an oral report, updating the Board on submission and subsequent work on the Better Care Fund and Narrative Plan 2017/19. Further requested information had been submitted and a formal letter agreeing to the plan was anticipated in due course.

Resolved - (a) That progress on agreeing the Better Care Fund submission be noted, (b) that the finalised plan and accompanying material be circulated to all Board members upon agreement, (c) that, the situation be noted, and (d) that the Board be kept informed of all relevant aspects of the Better Care Fund and Improved Better Care Fund.

224 ADULT SOCIAL CARE LOCAL ACCOUNT 2016/17 - The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report informing the Health and Wellbeing Board of the publication of the Adult Social Care Local Account 2016/17, and requesting the Board's support for the following strategic priorities for adults with care and support needs.

Live well for longer,

Be involved in community life, and

Have choice and control.

The Director explained that the council produces an annual local account which tells local people about activity in adult services, how services are performing, key developments and outline priorities for the coming year. This helps with accountability, engagement with service users, and providing relevant information to the public. The report highlighted that North Lincolnshire continues to be a high performing authority and has further developed or enhanced a range of care and support services to meet local needs closer to homes. The report set out key achievements and messages throughout.

The Chairman led a discussion amongst the Board, who welcomed the document as an informative and accessible record of activity and achievement, and discussed relevant issues around supporting adults.

Resolved - (a) That the publication of the Adult Social Care Local Account 2016/17 be noted, and (b) that the Board support, in the work that it does, the strategic priorities of (i) live well for longer, (ii) be involved in community life, and (iii) have choice and control, for adults with care and support needs.

225 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRANSFORMATION PLAN - The Interim Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, tabled a report informing the Health and Wellbeing Board of the 'refreshed' North Lincolnshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan, and asking for the Board's endorsement of its contents.

It was explained that all local areas were required to produce a local Transformation Plan, illustrating how they intended to transform emotional health and wellbeing services for children and young people up to 2020. The North Lincolnshire Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan had subsequently been produced, focussing on collaborative working amongst services, families, and children and young people. NHS England required that the CCG submit an annual 'refresh' of the Transformation Plan, providing an update on performance, progress and activity. This work had now been completed and was tabled for the Board to consider.

Following an initial presentation, the Chairman led a detailed discussion on related issues, including links to educational facilities, engagement with children and young people, specialist treatment, and workforce development. Members of the Board asked a number of questions, on issues such as transitional arrangements to adult's services, the promotion of a preventative model of support, and the need to involve the wider family in supporting children and young people. A further discussion took place exploring opportunities for greater collaboration.

Resolved - (a) That the 'refreshed' North Lincolnshire Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan be noted and endorsed; (b) that a further update be provided to the Board at their meeting on 16 March 2018, providing further information about progress and a small number of outstanding issues, and (c) that the Board be kept informed of progress through regular reports.

226 HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD - GOVERNANCE AND WORKING PRACTICES. The Director: Public Health submitted a report requesting that the Board consider the structures, governance and working practices of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and asking the board to consider the best ways of ensuring that the skills and knowledge of Board members are utilised in the most productive manner.

The Director explained that a recent benchmarking exercise across Yorkshire and the Humber area had found that North Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board was the largest in the patch, and also had the fewest elected members on. Opportunities existed for the Board to work in a more collaborative and innovative manner on priority issues, whilst ensuring that the statutory functions of the Board were completed. A proposed model was suggested, restructuring the Board into a management group, comprising of the statutory members and an increased number of elected members, and a wider partnership, which could flexibly focus on complex or cross-cutting issues. Opportunities existed to work on a closer basis with other groups and partnerships, and it was suggested that this be explored further.

A discussion took place around the principle of aligning groups and timetables, and in ensuring that the Board 'added value'.

Resolved - (a) That the implementation of the revised structures as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, with effect from the council's AGM in May 2018, be agreed; (b) that a further report be tabled at the Board's meeting on 16 March 2018 containing draft revisions to the Memorandum of Understanding and any required changes to the council's constitution; (c) that the Board consider appropriate links and referral pathways between the suggested partnership and management group, and other partnerships, and (d) that the Director: Governance & Partnerships conduct a review of the governance and support of the partnerships detailed in the report, including the Health and Wellbeing Board, in order to ensure effective joint working, robust referral mechanisms, and better outcomes for the local population.

227 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT. The Director: Public Health submitted a report reporting on the outcomes of the 'Building on Success' workshop held in September 2017, and asking the Board to consider the next steps for the completion of a single Integrated Assessment for North Lincolnshire.

The Director explained that the Integrated Assessment was the overarching evidence base for North Lincolnshire, supporting and informing both the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and a range of commissioning, service planning and delivery activity by a number of organisations in North Lincolnshire. The Integrated Assessment was in need of updating and 'refreshing', bringing it into line with future intentions of service integration, a focus on outcomes, and an asset-based approach.

The Director gave an overview of the consultation workshop held on 8 September 2017, explaining how work had progressed throughout the autumn. A multi-agency group was progressing this work to update the Integrated Assessment and further information would be available to the Board throughout 2018.

Resolved - (a) That the Integrated Assessment be refreshed and aligned to the four strategic outcomes of 'safe', 'prosperous', 'well', and 'connected'; (b) that the Board receive an update on the Staying Well refresh at its meeting on March 16 2018, along with the timetable for the revisions required for the other key areas of the Integrated Assessment; (c) that an outline plan for asset mapping and community consultation be presented to the 16 March 2018 meeting, for completion later in 2018, and (d) that the Board request the task and finish group to identify lead officers for each outcome area to ensure that this work is completed.

228 LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT 2016/2017. The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Annual Review Report 2016/17 was introduced by the LSCB Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair gave a thorough overview of the work and culture of the LSCB, its work throughout the year, including how this contributed to better outcomes for local children and young people, and priorities for the coming year. A recent Ofsted review had graded the LSCB as 'outstanding', which was welcomed by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

The Chairman initiated a discussion on the content of the report, by asking about measures to protect children from exploitation and female genital mutilation. The Board contributed to a wider discussion around child protection and support and future governance arrangements.

Resolved - That the Board receive the LSCB Annual Review Report 2016-17 and consider this where relevant to the planning, commissioning and budget setting processes.

229 LOCAL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD: ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17. The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted the Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) Annual Report 2016/17, requesting the Health and Wellbeing Board to note its contents and consider how all members can improve the contribution to both safeguarding and to the joint work of the Safeguarding Board.

The Director explained the statutory differences between the LSCB and the LSAB, and outlined the work that had taken place throughout the year. Assurances were given that the LSAB was developing, well-regarded, adequately supported, and performing well. An overview of performance and future priorities was given.

Resolved - (a) That the Board note the publication of the LSAB Annual Report for 2016/17, and (b) that the Board fully consider the contents of the report and consider how it can improve the contribution to both safeguarding and to the joint work of the LSAB.

230 PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT. The Director: Public Health reminded the Board that the preparation and agreement of a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment was a statutory requirement of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Director confirmed that a draft assessment was currently open for consultation, and a draft would be included on the agenda of the Board's scheduled meeting on 16 March 2018.

Resolved - (a) That a link to the consultation be circulated to all Board members, and (b) that the situation be noted.

231 CARE QUALITY COMMISSION ASSESSMENT OF NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE HEALTH AND CARE. The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing submitted a report informing the Board of the recent assessment of North Lincolnshire by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and asking the Board to note that the North Lincolnshire Health and Care system has currently been assessed by the CQC as the best in the Humber region, and nineteenth in the country.

The recent review by the CQC had been designed specifically to look at how people move between health and social care, including delayed transfers of care, with a particular focus on people over the age of 65. The CQC had created a dashboard of indicators to assess each system. The indicators were a combination of both weighted and unweighted health and social care performance outcomes, with results set out within the report. The Director explained that it would be beneficial for the Board to be sighted on local performance as it shows that North Lincolnshire is progressing very well in relation to the hospital interface, and that local residents were being supported.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the recent assessment of North Lincolnshire by the CQC.

232 OTHER BUSINESS. The Chairman requested that reports be submitted to a future meeting of the Board on community pharmacy and on water fluoridation. A query was raised on consultation with the NHS by the Planning Authority.

Resolved - That officers complete work on these issues, reporting back to the Board in due course.

233 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING - The Board was informed that the date of the next meeting of the Board would be 16 March 2018 at 9:30am.
