Meeting documents

Health and Wellbeing Board
Monday 14th October 2019

Chairman: Councillor Waltham MBE
Venue: Conference Room F01e, Church Square House
Time: 3.00 pm
E-Mail Address:


  1. Welcome and Introductions.
  2. Substitutions.
  3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.
  4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 25 June 2019
  5. Forward Plan and Forthcoming Actions from previous meetings - Update by the Director: Governance and Partnerships.
  6. Questions from members of the public.

7. Enabling the Voluntary and Community Sector - Report of the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing (for agreement / signature upon rising of the meeting)
8. Health and Integration Plan - presentation by the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (for agreement)
9. Humber, Coast and Vale Partnership Long Term Plan - Report by the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (for information)
10. Better Care Fund Update - Report and update by the Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (for agreement)
11. Director of Public Health Annual Report – Report and presentation by the Director: Public Health (for information)
12. New Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Local Transformation Plan - Presentation by the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Director: Children and Community Resilience. (for agreement)
13. Mental Health Strategy - Report by the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (for agreement)
14. Strategic Health and Wellbeing Planning – Report by the Director: Public Health (for agreement)
15. Date and time of next meeting: 9:30am, 17 December 2019
16. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified



PRESENT: – Councillor Waltham MBE in the Chair

Carrie Butler, Linsay Cunnningham, Mick Gibbs, Simon Green, Cllr Hannigan, Denise Hyde, Clare Linley, Chris O'Neill, Karen Pavey, Cllr Rose, Alex Seale, Cllr C Sherwood, Penny Spring, Peter Thorpe,

Dean Gillon was also in attendance.

The meeting was held at Church Square House, Scunthorpe.

283 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the meeting and invited all attendees to introduce themselves.

284 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS - There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

285 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board, held on 25 June 2019 be approved as a correct record.

286 FORWARD PLAN AND FORTHCOMING ACTIONS - Resolved - That the Forward Plan and Forthcoming Actions report be noted.

287 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - There were no questions from members of the public.

288 ENABLING THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR (VCS) – The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing tabled a report asking the Board to receive for publication the North Lincolnshire VCS Partnership Charter. The Charter had been developed on a collaborative basis with the sector, and set out the shared values and principles that the VCS and North Lincolnshire partners will adhere to while working to achieve shared outcomes for the people of North Lincolnshire to be safe, well, prosperous and connected.

The Director confirmed that representatives from the VCS and partners had been invited to publicly sign the Charter on the rising of the meeting.

Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board receive for publication the charter that was developed with the local voluntary and community sector, and (b) that the Board invite partners to publicly sign the charter on the rising of the Board's meeting.

289 HEALTH AND CARE INTEGRATION PLAN - The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, gave a detailed presentation on the Health and Care Integration Plan 2019-2024. This covered the local situation, shared ambitions, values and principles, and an explanation of ongoing work to better integrate services in order to benefit local people. It was confirmed that the underlying Health and Care Integration Plan which had been considered by the Board on 25 June 2019 (minute 279 refers) illustrated how local service leaders intended to focus on transforming the lives of the people of North Lincolnshire through developing a sustainable, enabling and integrated Health and Social Care system that empowered the local population and unlocked and built community capacity.

The Board discussed the presentation and the Health and Integration Plan in detail, asking questions on timescales, actions and progress monitoring, the Primary Care Network, and moving towards pooled budgets and closer working. The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing stated that work to enable the council and the CCG to move towards joint commissioning was developing well and that a further report would be tabled at a future meeting of the Board.

Resolved - (a) That the progress on integrating health and care be noted and welcomed by the Board; (b) that a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.

290 HUMBER, COAST AND VALE PARTNERSHIP LONG TERM PLAN - The Chairman welcomed Chris O'Neill, Programme Director, and Linsay Cunningham, Strategic Lead Communications and Engagement, Humber Coast and Vale (HCV) to the meeting. The Chairman explained that Chris and Linsay had been invited to give the Board an update on progress with HCV's workstreams and to outline the Partnership's Long Term Plan.

Chris set out the Partnership's vision and priorities, before discussing the formulation and submission of the patch-wide Long Term Plan. This was built upon an understanding that, as far as possible, people should be supported to look after their own health and wellbeing and that all health and care services should be joined-up. Chris and Linsay then discussed the Partnership's priorities on issues such as mental health, cancer, planned care, and capital investment.

Members of the board asked a number of questions on topics such as the investment at Scunthorpe General Hospital, delivering services locally versus at a patch-wide level, and identifying the correct footprints for services. Chris and Lindsey responded fully.

Resolved - (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the update from Chris O'Neill and Linsay Cunningham; (b) that the Board endorse the ambitions and priorities included in the Plan ahead of its submission to NHS England on 15 November 2019, and (c) that the Partnership note the received comments and feedback that contributed to the development of the Partnership Long Term Plan, in particular noting the Board's strong support for the further required capital investment at Scunthorpe General Hospital.

291 BETTER CARE FUND UPDATE – The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing at North Lincolnshire Council and the Chief Operating Officer at North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group submitted a joint report on the Better Care Fund (BCF), asking the Board to approve the BCF submission for 2019/20 as required by NHS England (NHSE)

The submission included the planned use of the BCF Allocations, a narrative outlining how this funding contributes to delivery of the North Lincolnshire Health and Care Integration Plan and the associated metrics. Further details about the BCF, including its relationship with the Health and Integration Plan and funding priorities, were included in the report.

Resolved – That the Better Care Fund submission, as required by NHSE, be approved.

292 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT - The Director of Public Health introduced their Annual Report. The report was made in video format, primarily to increase accessibility and dissemination. The Director explained that they acted as an independent advocate for the health of the population of North Lincolnshire, and played a key role in providing system leadership for service improvement, resident health and wellbeing, and health protection. The Annual Report provided advice and recommendations on population health to both professionals and public, adding value over and above local intelligence. The annual report was therefore the Director's professional judgement and statement about the health of local communities.

The Director's video set out the key functions of the report, which were:

  • to present an annual review of public health outcomes and activities,
  • to identify key issues and trends,
  • to provide a report on progress on our overarching priorities going forward.
  • To inform stakeholders of priorities and recommended actions to improve and protect the health of local communities.

Following the video, the Chairman facilitated a discussion with Board members on the contents of the Annual Report.

Resolved - (a) That the Director of Public Health's Annual Report be noted and welcomed; (b) that the Board consider the Director's recommendations within the report, and (c) that the Board assist in disseminating the Annual Report widely, including the good practice achieved around key public health priorities across North Lincolnshire.

293 LOCAL TRANSFORMATION PLAN REFRESH - The Director: Children and Community Resilience and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group gave a short presentation on the Local Transformation Plan (LTP) refresh. The LTP sets local partnership ambition and priorities to promote the mental wellbeing of children and young people in North Lincolnshire.

The Director and the Chief Operating Officer summarised the key achievements in 2018/19, and the proposed priorities for 2019/20. The Board discussed the priorities and related issues, particularly around the Integrated Offer for mental health and the Single Point of Contact.

Resolved - That the presentation and the progress to date be noted.

294 NEW CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES LOCAL TRANSFORMATION PLAN – The Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Director: Children and Community Resilience gave a presentation on the new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Plan.

The North Lincolnshire Mental Health Strategy had been developed in collaboration between the CCG, North Lincolnshire Council and Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH). It set out the context for the development of mental health services and the priorities for the next five years, against five key areas:

  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Mental Health Care in Community Settings
  • Mental Health Crisis Care
  • Children and Young People's Mental Health
  • Dementia

The strategy was fully aligned with other North Lincolnshire work on mental health and wellbeing, in particular the North Lincolnshire Mental Wellbeing Strategic Framework 2019 - 2024 and the Health and Care Integration Plan

The presentation covered the importance of agreeing a thorough, locally approved Transformation Plan in order to improve mental health services for children and young people. There was a need to align actions, build a local narrative, and shift resources accordingly. It was anticipated that in the next phase of work, much more extensive consultation would be carried out with staff, service users and members of the public to develop an implementation plan for each of the identified priority areas.

Resolved - That the wider dissemination and implementation of the North Lincolnshire Mental Health Strategy be supported.

295 STRATEGIC HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLANNING - The Director of Public Health gave a presentation providing a final review of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-18, recommending to the Board a 'health and wellbeing priorities framework' which identified a number of high-level priorities, outcomes and indicators, and considers how a 'placed-based approach' using 'inclusive growth' could benefit all of North Lincolnshire's residents.

The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) articulated the priorities set out by the Health and Wellbeing Board to achieve health improvement across North Lincolnshire. As the current JHWS had now ended, it was necessary to develop a new strategy for the next three years. To that end, a Health and Wellbeing Partnership stakeholder group had been working collectively to produce a 'health and wellbeing priorities framework' which identified a number high level priorities, outcomes and indicators based on evidence from the Integrated Strategic Assessment 2019.

Following on from work undertaken by the Health and Wellbeing Partnership Stakeholder Group, it was recognised that for health inequalities to be reduced significantly and sustainably, consideration should be given to adopting a placed-based approach focusing on 'inclusive growth' which would have a wider reach, and impact positively on more residents.

The Chairman then led a discussion on the need to promote growth as a key element of the 'place-based' approach. It was recognised that this approach needed to include a wide range of stakeholders, including the private sector, and the Board discussed methods of improving engagement and consultation.

The Board agreed to support the development of an integrated Place-Based Strategy for North Lincolnshire, which would incorporate the statutory Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Resolved - (a) That the Board accepts the recommendations of the Health and Wellbeing partnership stakeholder group and adopts the new strategic priorities framework, (b) that the Board adopt a 'placed-based approach' focusing on 'inclusive growth' in the development of future strategic directions, and (c) that the Board advocates the creation of a comprehensive, integrated, outcome-focussed Place-Based Strategy for North Lincolnshire, which would incorporate the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

296 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING - The Board was informed that the date of the next meeting would be 9:30am on 17 December 2019.

297 ANY OTHER BUSINESS - The Director: Governance and Partnerships updated the Board that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had been reviewed, and a small number of cosmetic changes had been made. It was confirmed that the revised MoU would be updated on the council's website.

Resolved – That the situation be noted.
