Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel 2018/19
Friday 28th October 2016

Chairman: Cllr Mumby-Croft
Venue: Function Room 1, Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe
Time: 3 p.m.


1. Substitutions.

2. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests and declarations of whipping arrangements (if any).

3. Public speaking requests (if any)

4. Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Discussion with senior managers.

4.1 Update on ophthalmology and related services,
4.2 Progress on the CQC Action Plan and preparations for the forthcoming revisit,
4.3 Any other issues,
4.4 Next stages (if any)

5. Added item (if any).

6. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:- Councillor Mumby-Croft in the Chair.

Councillors Armiger, Davison, Ellerby and Ogg.

Councillor Collinson also attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

374 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) - Cllr Ogg declared a personal interest on item 376 as he had family members employed by Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust.

No whip was declared.

375 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK- There were no requests received.

376 NORTHERN LINCOLNSHIRE & GOOLE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - The Chairman welcomed Karen Jackson, Chief Executive, Dr Karen Dunderdale, Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Operations, Wendy Booth, Director of Performance Assurance, and Maureen Georgiou, Associate Chief Operating Officer, Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust, to the meeting. The Chairman explained that Karen Jackson, Karen Dunderdale, Wendy and Maureen had been invited to discuss the Trust's progress on their CQC Action Plan, preparations for the forthcoming revisit, action underway to reduce a clinical backlog in ophthalmology, and a number of other issues.

The Chairman invited Trust representatives to provide an overview of each of the above issues in turn, before opening the discussion up to all members to ask questions. Members engaged in a detailed discussion about a number of ongoing concerns, and Trust representatives responded accordingly. Members asked questions on a range of issues, including Referral-To-Treatment rates, arrangements for ophthalmology case reviews, A&E waiting times, and clinical administration.

Resolved - (a) That Karen Jackson, Dr Karen Dunderdale, Wendy Booth and Maureen Georgiou be thanked for their attendance and for answering members' questions, (b) that a number of documents, evidence and additional information be provided to, and from, the Trust, (c) the panel consider submitting related evidence to the CQC to inform their forthcoming revisit, and (d) that the situation be noted.

377 ADDED ITEM - There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.