Meeting documents

Places Scrutiny Panel 2019/20
Wednesday 10th June 2015

PRESENT: – Councillor Evison in the chair.

Councillors Davison, T Foster and Kataria.

Councillor C Sherwood attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

460 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) - There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests –

No whip was declared.

461 MINUTES - Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 25 February, and the special meeting held on 4 March 2015, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman.

462 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK - There were no requests received.

463 (1) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND PANEL MEMBERSHIP The Director of Policy and Resources briefed members on the Places Scrutiny Panel terms of reference and panel membership which were agreed by council at its Annual Meeting on 21 May 2015.

Resolved - That the panel's terms of reference and panel membership be noted.

464 (2) MEETINGS OF THE SCRUTINY PANEL - The Director of Policy and Resources circulated dates of future scheduled meetings. The Chairman explained that it was envisaged that informal meetings or sub-groups would meet in-between formal dates, reporting back to the full panel.

Resolved - That the future meetings of the scrutiny panel be noted.

465 (3) PLACES DIRECTORATE - The Chairman welcomed the council's Director of Places, Assistant Director Planning and Regeneration, Assistant Director Customer Services and Assistant Director Community Services to the meeting, Peter Williams, Marcus Walker, Helen Rowe and Chris Matthews respectively.

The members of the Places directorate Senior Management Team had been invited to the meeting to inform members of -

  • Who they were
  • What they did
  • Resources
  • Achievements
  • Aims, priorities and challenges, and

Transformation plans.

The Director gave an oversight of his service area, paying particular attention to the future challenges and policy developments in the service. Following the presentation, the Chairman invited members to question the council's Director of Places, Assistant Director Planning and Regeneration, Assistant Director Customer Services and Assistant Director Community Services.

Resolved - (a) That the Director of Places, Assistant Director Planning and Regeneration, Assistant Director Customer Services and Assistant Director Community Services be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members' questions, and (b) that the potential work streams discussed by the Panel be discussed later in the meeting (minute 465 refers).

466 THE GENERAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS - 7 MAY 2015 - The Chairman welcomed Simon Driver, the council's Chief Executive and Returning Officer, Mel Holmes, the council's Head of Democratic Services and Anthia Taylor, the council's Electoral Services Manager to the meeting to discuss the general and local elections held on 7 May 2015.

The Returning Officer briefed members on the following -

  • Opening of Postal Votes
  • Polling Day – Two General Elections and a Local Election
  • Verification and Count – Thursday night and/or Friday
  • Clean Up

    Following the Returning Officers update, the Chairman facilitated a discussion between panel members and the Returning Officer, Head of Democratic Services and Electoral Services Manager.

    Resolved - (a) That the Returning Officer, Head of Democratic Services and Electoral Services Manager be thanked for their attendance and for answering members questions, and (b) that the Returning Officer, on behalf of the Panel, thank all the staff involved in the election for the efficient, conscientious and professional way the entire election process was managed.

    467 WORK PROGRAMME FOR THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 2015-16 – Members discussed their future work programme and priorities for the 2015/16 municipal year.

    Members discussed the following subject matters -

  • Impact on the council of the Humberside Police restructure
  • Child Sexual Exploitation update
  • Smoking zones outside schools
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Victim Support
  • Future of Neighbourhood Action Teams

    Resolved - (a) That the members commence a review into 'victim support in North Lincolnshire', as well as re-visit the Panel's review into 'Child Sexual Exploitation', and (b) that scrutiny briefs be drafted detailing how the reviews would be undertaken.

    468 MEMBER DEVELOPMENT - OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY - WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE 2015 - The Director of Policy and Resources reminded Panel Members that there was an overview and scrutiny member development session on Wednesday 17 June 2015, commencing at 10.00 am.

    Resolved - That members make every effort to attend the member development session.

    469 ADDED ITEM - There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.