Meeting documents

Deputy Leader
Friday 10th January 2020

12 BARTON UPON HUMBER NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - APPLICATION FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD AREA STATUS – The Director: Business Development submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member that Barton upon Humber Town Council had applied to have its area formally designated for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, and seeking approval to advertise and consult on Barton upon Humber Town Council's application for Neighbourhood Area status.

The Localism Act 2011 introduced new opportunities for local communities to get involved in planning their areas by preparing Neighbourhood Plans, neighbourhood development orders, and community right to build orders. The Act and Associated neighbourhood planning regulations gave town/parish councils and neighbourhood forums powers to shape and encourage delivery of new development.

Before town/parish councils or neighbourhood forums could begin the work of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan they must have applied to have the area they wish the plan to cover to be formally designated.

The Council was responsible for receiving and determining applications for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) prescribed time limits for the determination of a Neighbourhood Area application. They required the Council to advertise the application for a consultation period of not less than six weeks.

Barton upon Humber Town Council wished to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for its area. An application to have the whole parish formally designated was submitted to the Council on 9 October 2019. The Council needed to consult with the community and others on the application which was included at Appendix 1 together with a map showing the extent of the area at Appendix 2.

Once the application for designation was publicised and comments invited, the Council was required to publicise the designation. If the Council failed to determine the application within 13 weeks, the Neighbourhood Area must be designated.

Resolved - (a) That the contents of this report be noted, and (b) that Barton upon Humber Town Council's application for Neighbourhood Area Status be advertised, and a six-week public consultation on the application be undertaken.

13 HAXEY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - APPLICATION FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD AREA STATUS - The Director: Business Development submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member that Haxey Parish Council had applied to have its area formally designated for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, and seeking approval to advertise and consult on Haxey Parish Council's application for Neighbourhood Area status.

The Localism Act 2011 introduced new opportunities for local communities to get involved in planning their areas by preparing Neighbourhood Plans, neighbourhood development orders, and community right to build orders. The Act and Associated neighbourhood planning regulations gave town/parish councils and neighbourhood forums powers to shape and encourage delivery of new development.

Before town/parish councils or neighbourhood forums could begin the work of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan they must have applied to have the area they wish the plan to cover to be formally designated.

The Council was responsible for receiving and determining applications for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) prescribed time limits for the determination of a Neighbourhood Area application. They required the Council to advertise the application for a consultation period of not less than six weeks.

Haxey Parish Council wished to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for its area. An application to have the whole parish formally designated was submitted to the Council on 21 August 2019. The Council needed to consult with the community and others on the application which was included at Appendix 1 together with a map showing the extent of the area at Appendix 2.

Once the application for designation was publicised and comments invited, the Council was required to publicise the designation. If the Council failed to determine the application within 13 weeks, the Neighbourhood Area must be designated.

Resolved - (a) That the contents of this report be noted, and (b) that Haxey Parish Council's application for Neighbourhood Area Status be advertised, and a six-week public consultation on the application be undertaken.