Venue: Room G01e/G02e, Church Square House, Scunthorpe
Contact: Matthew Nundy Email:
No. | Item |
Substitutions. Minutes: There were no substitutes at the meeting. |
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests and declarations of whipping arrangements (if any). Minutes: Councillors J Lee and H Rowson declared a personal interest in that they were members of parish councils that may be impacted by the Community Governance Review.
No whip was declared. |
Additional documents: Minutes: That the minutes of the proceedings of the meetings held on 6 August 2024 and 30 September 2024, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. |
Public speaking requests, if any. Minutes: There were no public speaking requests. |
Community Governance Review - Stakeholder Responses PDF 97 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes circulated several responses that had been received as part of the consultation on the Panel’s draft recommendations. The correspondence had been received from –
· East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association, · Epworth Town Council, · Mr Lee Pitcher, Member of Parliament for Doncaster East and Isle of Axholme · Councillor J Lee, North Lincolnshire Councillor.
Resolved – That the correspondence be noted. |
Alkborough and Walcot Parish Council PDF 108 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Alkborough and Walcot Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Alkborough and Walcot Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors. |
Amcotts Parish Council PDF 229 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Amcotts Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Amcotts Parish Council be unchanged. |
Appleby Parish Council PDF 89 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Appleby Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Appleby Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 6 councillors. |
Ashby Parkland Parish Council PDF 123 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Ashby Parkland Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Ashby Parkland Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be increased to 7 councillors. |
Barnetby-le-Wold Parish Council PDF 223 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Barnetby-le-Wold Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Barnetby-le-Wold Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors. |
Barrow upon Humber Parish Council PDF 215 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Barrow upon Humber Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Barrow upon Humber Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 11 councillors. |
Belton Parish Council PDF 384 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Belton Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Belton Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 11 councillors. |
Bonby Parish Council PDF 332 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Bonby Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Bonby Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors. |
Burringham Parish Council PDF 200 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Burringham Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Burringham Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be increased to 7 councillors. |
Burton upon Stather Parish Council PDF 272 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Burton-upon-Stather Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Burton-upon-Stather Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors. |
Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council PDF 169 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council.
Following the presentation, the Chair invited the Parish Clerk at Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council, who was in attendance, to comment on the draft recommendation.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Cadney cum Howsham Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors. |
East Butterwick Parish Council PDF 158 KB Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to East Butterwick Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for East Butterwick Parish Council remain unchanged. |
East Halton Parish Council PDF 155 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to East Halton Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for East Halton Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors. |
Eastoft Parish Council PDF 159 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Eastoft Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Eastoft Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors. |
Elsham Parish Council PDF 154 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Elsham Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Elsham Parish Council remain unchanged. |
Flixborough Parish Council PDF 290 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Flixborough Parish Council.
The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.
Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Flixborough Parish Council remain unchanged. |
Added item, if any. Minutes: There was no added item for consideration at the meeting. |
Any other items that the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances that must be specified. Minutes: There was no urgent business for consideration at the meeting. |