Agenda and draft minutes

Governance Scrutiny Panel - Thursday 7th November 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Church Square House, Scunthorpe

Contact: Matthew Nundy  Email:

No. Item




There were no substitutions at the meeting.


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests and declarations of whipping arrangements (if any).


Councillors J Lee and H Rowson declared a personal interest in that they were members of parish councils that may be impacted by the Community Governance Review.


Public speaking requests, if any.


There were no public speaking requests.


Garthorpe with Fockerby Parish Council pdf icon PDF 155 KB


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Garthorpe with Foclerby Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Garthorpe with Fockerby Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors.


Goxhill Parish Council pdf icon PDF 250 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Goxhill Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Goxhill Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors.


Gunness Parish Council pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Gunness Parish Council.


The Chair invited Councillor T Gosling, Chair of Gunness Parish Council, who was in attendance at the meeting, to comment on the Panel’s draft recommendation.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – (a) That the current governance arrangements for Gunness Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors; (b) that the parish be split into three wards, named Lodge Moor, Hilton Avenue and Gunness Village, and (c) that each ward be represented by 3 councillors.


Haxey Parish Council pdf icon PDF 580 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Haxey Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – (a) That the current governance arrangements for Haxey Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 13 councillors; (b) that the parish be split into three wards, named “Westwoodside”, “Haxey” and, “Villages” and (c) that Westwoodside be represented by 6 councillors, Haxey represented by 5 councillors and Villages represented by 2 councillors.


Hibaldstow Parish Council pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Hibaldstow Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Hibaldstow Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors.


Horkstow Parish Meeting pdf icon PDF 225 KB


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Horkstow Parish Meeting.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Horkstow Parish Meeting remain unchanged.


Keadby with Althorpe Parish Council pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Keadby with Althorpe Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Keadby with Althorpe Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 11 councillors.


Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Kirmington and Croxton Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors.


Luddington and Haldenby Parish Council pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Luddington and Haldenby Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Luddington and Haldenby Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors.


Manton Parish Meeting pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Manton Parish Meeting.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Manton Parish Meeting remain unchanged.


Melton Ross Parish Council


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Melton Ross Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Melton Ross Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 5 councillors.


Messingham Parish Council pdf icon PDF 473 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Messingham Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Messingham Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 11 councillors.


New Holland Parish Council pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to New Holland Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for New Holland Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 7 councillors.


North Killingholme Parish Council pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to North Killingholme Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for North Killingholme Parish Council remain unchanged.


Owston Ferry Parish Council pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


The Director: Transformation and Outcomes delivered a presentation on the communication, correspondence and consultation responses that had been received during the Community Governance Review that related to Owston Ferry Parish Council.


The Chair then facilitated a discussion amongst the Panel on the future governance arrangements for the parish council.


Resolved – That the current governance arrangements for Owston Ferry Parish Council remain unchanged, except that the membership of the council be reduced to 9 councillors.


Added item, if any.


There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.


Any other items that the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances that must be specified.


There was no urgent business for consideration at the meeting.