Meeting documents

Thursday 11th December 2014



THE MAYOR – Councillor Trevor Foster

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Barker, J Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Carlile, Clarke, Collinson, Eckhardt, Ellerby, England, Evison, L Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Grant, Jawaid, Kataria, Marper, Ogg, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, Swift, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle, Wells, Whiteley and Wilson.

The council met at The Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

2313 MAYOR'S REMARKS – The Mayor welcomed fellow councillors, officers and members of the public to the meeting.

The Mayor then referred to the sad news that Allan Smith, a former North Lincolnshire Councillor had died recently. Allan had been Mayor of North Lincolnshire on two occasions and a member of the former Glanford Borough Council. Also, Jean Johnson, a member of the former Scunthorpe Borough Council had also died recently. The Mayor also referred to the chaplain's prayers and asked all members to keep Councillor Mark Kirk and Colin Davison or 'Pottsy' in everyone's thoughts and prayers during their recovery from serious illnesses.

The council then observed a minute's silence in memory of Allan Smith.


Councillor M AliHackney Carriage Driver/Licence Holder South Humber Racial Equality Council - Trustee

Crosby Community Association - Chair

Councillor R AllcockIsle of Axholme and North Notts Water Management Board - Member Environment Agency - Severn Trent Region Regional Flood Defence Committee - Member
Councillor T BarkerIsle of Axholme and North Notts Water Management Board - Member
Councillor J BriggsHumberside Fire Authority - Member Isle of Axholme and North Notts Water Management Board - Member
Councillor P ClarkNorth East Lindsey Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor W EckhardtIsle of Axholme and North Notts Water Management Board – Member
Councillor J EnglandHumberside Police and Crime Panel - Member Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor J EvisonHumberside Police and Crime Panel - Member Ancholme Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor I JawaidSouth Humber Racial Equality Council - Member EMGS - Member
Councillor H KatariaHackney Carriage Driver/Licence HolderSouth Humber Racial Equality Council - Member
Councillor E MarperAncholme Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor R OggAncholme Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor D OldfieldLicence Holder
Councillor C O'SullivanRotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust - Member
Councillor N PooleScunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor Mrs E RedfernNorth Lincolnshire Homes - Member Humber Bridge Board - Member
Councillor D RobinsonRotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust - Member Isle of Axholme and North Notts Water Management Board - Member
Councillor H RowsonScunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor C SherwoodNorth Lincolnshire Homes - MemberAncholme Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor N SherwoodAncholme Internal Drainage Board – Member
Councillor R WalthamNorth Lincolnshire Homes - Member Humberside Fire Authority – Member

Ancholme Internal Drainage Board – Member

NLAG - Member

Councillor J WardleNorth East Lindsey Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor D WhiteleyScunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor S WilsonRotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust - Member NLAG - Member

2315 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the council held on 15 July 2014 having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Mayor.

2316 (7) REVIEW OF POLLING DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACES - With reference to minute 2241 , the Chief Executive submitted a report updating council on the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places and on the consultation carried out and made a number of recommendations in respect of the review.

The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 introduced a change to the timing of compulsory reviews of UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places. It stated that the next compulsory review had to be completed by 31 January 2015. Subsequent compulsory reviews had to be started and completed within the period of 16 months that starts on 1 October or every 5 years after 1 October 2013. A public notice had been placed in the local newspaper and on the council's website giving notice of the review and in addition further information about the review had been published on the council's website. In addition, specific consultations were undertaken with members of the council, political parties, other electoral representatives such as members of parliament and members of the European parliament and town and parish councils. The formal consultation period ran from 7 August to 30 September 2014.

The report outlined proposed revisions to a number of polling districts and polling places in North Lincolnshire. Full details were contained in an appendix to the report which set out details of each ward and any proposals in relation to each of the current polling districts.

The Chief Executive updated the council orally on the report and review. He indicated that detailed representations had been received from the two political parties represented on the council and these had been taken into account in the proposals contained in the report and appendix. As Returning Officer he also indicated that the main areas of the review were -

  • To look at changes in relation to population and to polling districts as a result of residential building in communities across the area.
  • In particular in Barton Upon Humber - the need to consider the population growth issue in relation to polling districts.
  • To consider some of the polling districts within wards in Scunthorpe to ensure that they make geographic sense.
  • To consider the current polling districts within Winterton to ensure that they meet the requirements of that area.
  • To examine where two or more polling districts vote at one polling station, to include among others areas of Bottesford, Brigg, Broughton, Crowle, Gunness and Kirton in Lindsey.

In addition, the review had looked at the suitability of a number of polling stations as detailed in the report and solutions had been found for most of these. However, since writing the report further work had been done on polling stations and the proposals to add or to amend the report were -

  • AXN1 - Ingleby Arms, Amcotts.
    • BAR2 - Providence House, Barton
    • BSW1 - Coronation Club, Alkborough.
    • BSW10 - Old School Hall, Winterton
    • FER11 - Thornton Curtis Church.
    • RID 9 & 10 - United Mission Church Halls, Kirton in Lindsey.

These were in response to comments made about accessibility in Kirton due to the hilly nature of the town and the suitability of the facilities in the two well-being hubs/intermediate care facility.

There were at present three unresolved issues -

  • ASH3 - Small to Tall Children's Centre.
    • BRW8 - Melton Ross Village Hall
    • TWN2 - Centenary Methodist Church, Scunthorpe

All three premises would not be available in May 2015 and work was ongoing to identify suitable replacements.

In relation to polling places it was recognised that following council approval of the proposals it might be necessary for the Returning Officer to approve changes to polling places depending on circumstances. For example, where polling places were no longer available for reasons beyond the council's control e.g. closure of buildings etc. In such circumstances the Returning Officer would consult with local ward members when attempting to identify alternative polling places.

The Chief Executive concluded by saying that the outcome of the overall review of polling districts and polling places had aimed to ensure that good facilities for voting were available to all the electorate of North Lincolnshire.

Moved by Councillor Poole and seconded by Councillor England -

(a) That the responses to the consultation on the review of polling districts and polling places be noted; (b) that the recommendations contained in appendix 1 to the report, together with the Chief Executive's updated oral proposals for -

AXN1 – Ingleby Arms, Amcotts
BAR2 - Providence House, Barton
BSW1 - Coronation Club, Alkborough
BSW10 - Old School Hall, Winterton
FER11 - Thornton Curtis Church
RID 9 & 10 - United Mission Church Halls, Kirton in Lindsey

be approved and adopted; (c) that the Chief Executive in consultation with local ward members be authorised to seek replacement polling stations for -

ASH3 - Small to Tall Children's Centre, Scunthorpe
BRW8 - Melton Ross Village Hall.
TWN2 - Centenary Methodist Church, Scunthorpe

and (d) that the Chief Executive be authorised to approve any further necessary changes to polling stations in consultation with local ward members –

Moved by Councillor Swift and seconded by Councillor Collinson as an amendment -

That the motion be approved with the exception that the Chief Executive be asked to look at alternative polling stations for BSW10 and RID 9 and 10.

At the request of members and in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.22(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the amendment are as follows -

FOR: Councillors Ali, Barker, Carlile, Collinson, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Grant, Jawaid, Kataria, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift, Whiteley and Wilson.

AGAINST: Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Bromby, Bunyan, Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.


Amendment Lost
Motion Carried

2317 (8) CALCULATING THE COUNCIL TAX BASE FOR 2015/2016 - The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report asking the council to consider the council tax base to be used for each part of the council's area for formula grant and tax setting purposes. The key points in the report were to note the council tax base, for grant purposes at 17 October 2014, as submitted to the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), to set a tax base for setting council tax for the council, local parishes and major precepting authorities and to decide whether to make a payment of grant to parish councils to compensate for the reduction in council tax base, due to the council tax support scheme and on what terms. The report highlighted the requirements of relevant regulations and how the council tax base would be used.

The report also referred to the council tax support scheme which had been introduced in 2013/2014. It replaced council tax benefit with a discount. The effect of this was to reduce the council tax base and therefore the amount of council tax an area would yield. Central government provided funding to notionally meet 90% of the cost of these changes. Government did not have a mechanism to directly reimburse town and parish councils. The funding for these bodies was paid to a higher tier council in the town and parishes area. That higher tier council was given full discretion to decide what level of support, if any, it provided to its local parishes. In 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 the council provided financial support to parish and town councils to offset these losses, subject to certain conditions. It was now necessary for the council to take decisions on whether to continue providing support to town and parish councils and if so whether to vary the conditions imposed previously. For 2015/2016, it was proposed to offer parishes the same amount of grant as they were offered in 2014/2015 as set out at appendix C to the report. It was further proposed not to impose any conditions on this offer of grant except that if a parish reduced its band D council tax it would receive a proportionally reduced amount of grant.

The report contained further detailed information about the tax base for grant purposes and support for town and parish councils with additional information set out in appendices A, B and C.

Resolved - (a) That the council tax base for the council, parishes and major precepting bodies in 2015/2016 as set out in appendix B be approved (total 45,103.1 band D equivalents), and (b) that the council continue to provide grant support to parishes with the conditions outlined in paragraph 3.11 of the report.

2318 (9)SETTING THE NON DOMESTIC RATE TAX YIELD FOR 2015/2016 - The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which considered the North Lincolnshire National Domestic Rate (NNDR) Tax Yield for 2015/2016. The total business rate for England was shared 50/50 between central and local shares. The local share was then allocated to individual councils in proportion to the amount of business rates they historically collected increased, normally by inflation, each year. The government then used the central share to fund any grants it made to local government.

The new funding regime had three elements -

  • Formula grant funding from government.
    • The local share of business rates.
    • Council Tax.

Each year the council was required to estimate the amount of NNDR it believed it would collect in the following financial year and make a return, the NNDR1 to government. However, there were restrictions on how much of the local share of business rates councils like North Lincolnshire could retain. This was because the government wanted to protect areas which currently depended the most heavily on central government funding. It used the 2012/2013 local government settlement to derive a start up funding assessment for each council. This meant that it would continue to redistribute business rates from authorities with large tax bases to those with smaller tax bases relative to their needs. It would do this by applying a tariff to some councils in order to provide a top up to others. This would come out of the local share. The tariff for 2015/2016 for North Lincolnshire would be 9.857m. This was fixed for five years, uprated annually in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI).

The NNDR1 return estimated the amount of NNDR the council would collect for the following year 2015/2016. Half of this total would then be paid over to central government, with a further 1% share being paid to the Humberside Fire Authority as a local precepting body. Humberside Police was now funded outside the new system through grant. Any tariff was then paid from the remaining portion. If the sum remaining after all these payments was made was more than the share of NNDR funding the government had determined for the council it would have to pay a levy of 25% on the excess. This meant that the council could retain a proportion of any growth in business rate income after adjusting for annual inflation. It was intended to tie councils more directly to the fortunes of the local economy and to give them a greater incentive to take a more active role in promoting economic prosperity.

There were risks that the council's funding would fall in circumstances of recession or economic decline. For this reason, the government guaranteed a minimal level of funding for each council if actual NNDR receipts were lower than their baseline funding level. Councils were guaranteed to receive 92.5% of the baseline funding level, so for North Lincolnshire Council the maximum loss for 2015/2016 was 7.4m equivalent to a 13.1% increase in council tax. If receipts fell by more than this amount, the council would receive payment from government under its safety net scheme.

Under this scheme North Lincolnshire Council had an opportunity to offset future reductions in central funding by growth in its business base, but it was also unusually reliant on a small number of businesses paying large amounts of NNDR. These businesses included Tata Steel and a number of refineries and power stations which together comprised a substantial part of the local tax base. This council was the only Humber Authority which was a tariff authority, all others would receive a top up grant. For the same reason there was a greater volatility in the local tax base due to appeals against rating valuations. The government had allowed for successful appeals by reducing its estimate of the national NNDR tax income. The government would continue to set the parameters of the scheme including the business rate to be levied so there was no change for businesses that paid this tax.

The report also indicated that last year changes had been introduced in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement which affected the localisation of business rates scheme and therefore the NNDR1. The details of these changes had not been released until January 2014.

The report contained further detailed information in relation to this matter including the resource implications. Appendix A to the report set out the net rate yield after transitional arrangements and rate retention.

Resolved - (a) That the council set an estimated NNDR tax yield for 2015/2016, before transitional arrangements of 91,757m; (b) that the Secretary of State and Humberside Fire Authority be duly notified, and (c) that the Director of Policy and Resources in consultation with the cabinet member for Policy and Resources be given delegated authority to make amendments to the NNDR tax yield if one or more material changes of circumstances occur before the final return is due for 2015/2016 and to set the NNDR yield in 2016/2017 and subsequent years.

2319 (10) TREASURY MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY REPORT - MID YEAR REVIEW 2014/2015 - The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report providing a mid year review of the Treasury Management Strategy approved by council as part of the 2014/2015 budget. The report gave details of progress to date and covered treasury management performance for the seven months between April and October 2014. The report explained how the strategy had been implemented during the first part of the year, the state of the financial markets and the response to changing conditions in these markets.

The report contained detailed information about the investment strategy and the borrowing strategy for 2014/15, and attached as appendices were comprehensive details about these various issues.

Resolved - That the mid year Treasury Management Performance be noted.

2320 PLANNING COMMITTEE - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 2 and 30 July, 27 August, 24 September and 22 October 2014 be received with the exception of minutes 1613 (v), 1613 (vi) and 1617 (i - iv).

2321 APPLICATION 2014/0651 - With regard to excepted portion (a) it was -

Moved by Councillor Bunyan and seconded by Councillor England -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2322 APPLICATION 2014/0669 - With regard to excepted portion (b) it was -

Moved by Councillor Bunyan and seconded by Councillor England -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2323 APPLICATIONS 2013/1000, 2013/1001, 2013/1002 AND 2013/1003 – With regard to excepted portion (c) it was -

Moved by Councillor Bunyan and seconded by Councillor England -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2324 LICENSING COMMITTEE - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Licensing Committee held on 15 and 17 July, 1 August, 18 September and 9 October, 2014 be received, approved and adopted with the exception of minutes 1184 and 1186.

2325 LICENSING POLICY - HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE - With regard to excepted portion (a) it was -

Moved by Councillor K Vickers and seconded by Councillor P Vickers -

That the minute be received.

2326 LICENSING ACT 2003 - EARLY MORNING ALCOHOL RESTRICTION ORDER – With regard to excepted portion (b) it was -

Moved by Councillor K Vickers and seconded by Councillor P Vickers -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2327 AUDIT COMMITTEE - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Audit Committee held on 24 June and 21 September 2014 be received.

2328 STANDARDS COMMITTEE - Resolved - That the minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 3 and 18 July and 7 October 2014 be received, approved and adopted.

2329 HEALTH AND WELL BEING BOARD - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Health and Well Being Board held on 10 June 2014 be received with the exception of minutes 76 and 82.


Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2331 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE STRATEGIC PLAN - With regard to excepted portion (b) it was -

Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2332 PLACES SCRUTINY PANEL - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Places Scrutiny Panel held on 18, 27 and 30 June, 8 and 29 July, 10 September, 1 and 21 October 2014 be received with the exception of minutes 383, 393 and 403.

2333 CABINET MEMBER AND SERVICE AREA PRIORITIES - With regard to excepted portion (a) it was -

Moved by Councillor Evison and seconded by Councillor Oldfield -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried


Moved by Councillor Evison and seconded by Councillor Oldfield -

That the minute be received.

Moved by Councillor Collinson and seconded by Councillor Grant as an amendment –

That the minute be received with regret at the decision arrived at by the panel.

At the request of members and in accordance with procedure rule 1.22(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the amendment are as follows:-

FOR: Councillors Ali, Barker, Carlile, Collinson, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Grant, Jawaid, Kataria, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift, Whiteley and Wilson.

AGAINST: Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.


Amendment Lost
Motion Carried


Moved by Councillor Evison and seconded by Councillor Oldfield -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2336 PEOPLE SCRUTINY PANEL - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the People Scrutiny Panel held on 26 June, 15 July, 2 and 25 September and 4 November 2014 be received with the exception of minutes 272, 281 and 285.

2337 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S PLAN 2013/2016 - With regard to excepted portion (a) it was -

Moved by Councillor Marper and seconded by Councillor Collinson -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2338 ADDED ITEM - YOUTH SERVICE PROVISION IN WINTERTON - With regard to excepted portion (b) it was -

Moved by Councillor Marper and seconded by Councillor Collinson -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2339 FREE SCHOOL MEALS - With regard to excepted portion (c) it was -

Moved by Councillor Marper and seconded by Councillor Collinson -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2340 CORPORATE SCRUTINY PANEL - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Corporate Scrutiny Panel held on 29 May, 19 June, 10 and 31 July, 11 September, 2 and 23 October, and 13 November 2014 be received.

2341 HEALTH SCRUTINY PANEL - Resolved - That the minutes of the meetings of the Health Scrutiny Panel held on 3 and 23 June, 14 and 28 July, 11 August, 2 and 23 September, 14 October, and 4 November 2014 be received with the exception of minutes 217, 245 and 266.

2342 MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS RESOLUTION - With regard to excepted portion (a) it was -

Moved by Councillor Mrs Bromby and seconded by Councillor Barker -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2343 MANBY ROAD BRANCH SURGERY - With regard to excepted portion (b) it was -

Moved by Councillor Mrs Bromby and seconded by Councillor Barker -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2344 NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT - With regard to excepted portion (c) it was -

Moved by Councillor Mrs Bromby and seconded by Councillor Barker -

That the minute be received.

Motion Carried

2345 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC (INCLUDING TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS) - The Leader of the Council referred to the format for full council meetings which enabled members of the public to ask questions. The following members of the public attended the meeting and asked a question of the Leader.

Mr Kevin Lefley

Question on behalf of the residents of Hilton Avenue and Fillingham Crescent Scunthorpe.

'Can you tell me what measures are being put in place to alleviate the problems caused by vibrations coming from the stretch of Doncaster Road running adjacent to these properties, the timescale for this, and what will be done for those residents who have already suffered property damage as a result.'


The council's Highways Services has undertaken visual checks and assessments of the carriageway at the roadside and cannot yet confirm that the same levels of noise and vibration reported to them by adjacent residents are occurring to the level suggested. They are now taking steps to contact a sample of residents to look to install noise and vibration monitoring equipment in their homes for a period of a week approximately. Once the monitoring is complete, then there will be a short period of time for the data to be analysed.

This should then confirm the extent of any issues caused by the surface dressing works and this in turn will lead to an action plan if required to remedy the situation. It is anticipated that the results of the analysis will be available to the council in early January. It is therefore anticipated the residents that have made enquiries will be informed of the analysis conclusions and any action plans proposed by mid January.

Mr John Fleming


'I would like to raise a question concerning the point system being introduced by the council for taxi drivers.'


The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy was revised following consultation with the trade. The policy includes a point system for drivers who have found to be doing something wrong. The idea of the system is to provide the council with a course of action somewhere between doing nothing or prosecution or revoking a driver's licence. There is no financial cost to drivers who get points and there is an appeal process (to the Licensing (Miscellaneous) Sub Committee built in). Officers will investigate matters before points are issued and will retain discretion to take other action, such as prosecution where it is deemed appropriate. The scheme aims to provide a cost effect alternative to dealing with issues.


Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs -

'This Council thanks the Conservative-led Government for their continued support to North Lincolnshire, not least the Regional Growth Fund which to date has created over 760 jobs and secured additional private sector investment into the local economy exceeding 71m plus over 1 billion of direct investment secured in November.

Furthermore, this Council's evidence is that the robust financial policies adopted by the Chancellor George Osborne are working with the continuing fall in those people claiming Job Seekers Allowance here in North Lincolnshire which is testament to that.

This Conservative-led Government have created a strong economy and has got the public finances under control, we can afford to put 2 billion into the frontline of the NHS, across the United Kingdom.

This Council resolves therefore to welcome the commitment made by the Conservative-led Government and praise their ongoing work to securing a strong economy which, particularly as a result of the success of the Regional Growth Fund, will benefit the residents of North Lincolnshire through enhanced services, including an improving local health service and a more focussed benefits and social housing system.'

Moved by Councillor L Foster and seconded by Councillor Swift -

That in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.18(m) the question be now put.

Motion Lost

At the request of members and in accordance with procedure rule 1.22(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the original motion are as follows –

FOR: Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.

AGAINST: Councillors Ali, Barker, Carlile, Collinson, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Grant, Kataria, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift, Whiteley and Wilson.


Motion Carried


Moved by Councillor L Foster and seconded by Councillor Briggs -

'This Council lobbies Central Government regarding the reduction in police numbers and the impact that this could potentially have on North Lincolnshire's communities.

The recently proposed 30,000,000 of cuts in the Humberside Police budget will have a devastating impact on police services locally. This is in addition to the 31,000,000 worth of cuts already imposed.

Furthermore North Lincolnshire Council formally adopts a policy supporting the abolition of Police and Crime Commissioners acknowledging that such monies are better utilised supporting front line policing.'

Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Briggs as an amendment -

'This Council deplores the blatant hypocrisy of the Labour Party in their attempts to politicise policing in North Lincolnshire and is reminded that Labour nationally have proposed significant cuts in police budgets which would impact locally our area. Indeed, Labour's proposal to compel force mergers which would see our local police run from Leeds or Manchester is strongly opposed.

The proposals by the Home Secretary in dealing with the reductions to the police budget, inherited from Labour, and her measures to cut police bureaucracy are welcomed. These have seen a reduction in crime by 22% and the delivery of an extra 3.3 million police hours every year, the equivalent of more than 1500 officers policing the streets. Police reform is working and the one clear objective set by the Home Secretary to Chief Constables to cut crime is being achieved.

Furthermore North Lincolnshire Council formally welcomes the increased democratic accountability brought about by the introduction of the Police and Crime Panel and its duty to scrutinise the Police and Crime Commissioner's responsibility to secure efficient and effective policing across our area.

This Council resolves to praise and thank Police Officers, PCSOs and civilian staff who work tirelessly to keep our communities across North Lincolnshire safe and most importantly, we recognise their commitment to catch those people who undertake criminal activity.'

During the course of the debate reference was made to a recent article in the local press in relation to the incorporation of North Lincolnshire into a Humberwide Super Authority.

Moved by Councillor Poole and seconded by Councillor Waltham -

That in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.19(s) the time limit for Councillor L Foster's reply on the motion be extended to enable Councillor Foster to give an explanation in relation to this article.

Motion Carried

At the request of members and in accordance with procedure rule 1.22(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the amendment to the original motion are as follows –

FOR: Councillors Allcock, Briggs, Mrs Bromby Clark, Eckhardt, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Marper, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.

AGAINST: Councillors Ali, Barker, Carlile, Collinson, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Grant, Kataria, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift, and Wilson.


Amendment Carried
Substantive Motion Carried
