Meeting documents

Thursday 1st March 2018


THE MAYOR – Councillor P Clark

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armiger, Armitage, Bainbridge, Briggs, Collinson, A Davison, J Davison, Ellerby, England, Evison, L Foster, T Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Hannigan, Kataria, Kirk, Longcake, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Poole, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, Swift, P Vickers, Waltham MBE, Wells and Wilson.

The council met at the Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.


Councillor M AliHackney Carriage Driver/Licence Holder, with schools transport contract.

Crosby Community Association - Trustee

Councillor R Allcock


Member of Haxey Parish Council

Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board – Member

Councillor M Armiger


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board – Member
Councillor S ArmitageMember of Gunness Parish Council
Councillor J Briggs


Humberside Fire Authority - Member

Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board – Member

Councillor P Clark


North East Lindsey Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor J England


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor T Ellerby


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water

Management Board - Member

Member of Gunness Parish Council

Councillor J Evison


Chairman of Humberside Police and Crime Panel

Ancholme Internal Drainage Board – Member

Councillor T Foster


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor I GloverAncholme Internal Drainage Board - Member
Councillor M Grant


Humberside Fire Authority - Member
Councillor R Hannigan


Humberside Police and Crime Panel

North East Lindsey Internal Drainage Board

Councillor R Ogg


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board – Member
Councillor D Oldfield


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board – Member

Member of Gunness Parish Council

Member of Burringham Parish Council

Member of Gunness Village Hall Committee

Personal Licence Holder

Councillor C O'Sullivan


Member of Rape Crisis

Blue Door, Scunthorpe

Councillor N Poole


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board

Personal Licence Holder and Waste Contract

Scunthorpe Indoor Bowls Club

Councillor J Reed


Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board - Member
Councillor D Robinson


Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board - Member
Councillor D Rose


Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water Management Board - Member
Councillor H Rowson


Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board - Member
Councillor C SherwoodAncholme Internal Drainage Board – Member
Councillor N Sherwood


Humberside Fire Authority - Member

Ancholme Internal Drainage Board – Member

Councillor R Waltham


Humberside Fire Authority - Member

Ancholme Internal Drainage Board

LGA - Places Board

Councillor D WellsNorth East Lindsey Internal Drainage Board - Member

2562 COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE D1.19 (0) - It was suggested to the Mayor to vary the order of the agenda and bring forward the item 'Questions from members of the public (including Town and Parish Councils)' It was then -

Resolved - That the item 'Questions from members of the public (including Town and Parish Councils) be brought forward and considered next by the Council.

2563 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC (INCLUDING TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS) - In accordance with Council Procedure Rule D1.14 (k and l), the following member of the public as listed, attended the meeting and asked a question of the Leader –

(i) Mr Neil Herrick – local resident.


'In 2014 the North Lincolnshire Council as a member of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP secured 2.9 million pounds of funding to enable much needed improvements to be made at the Berkeley Circle roundabout in Scunthorpe. The Leader of the Council at the time Councillor Liz Redfern, announced that although the funding was earmarked for 2016/17, the Council aims to start work earlier and this will mean a full scheme will be complete within two years, so by the end of 2016. We are now in March 2018 and nothing has been done to improve the roundabout, in fact the area has become increasingly hazardous.

In January 2016 the Council tabled a request to the Greater Lincolnshire LEP asking for 2.9million Berkeley Circle funding to be re-allocated, so instead of making the improvements to the roundabout they wanted to invest the money in two other projects - the Normanby Enterprise Park and the Lincolnshire Lakes, citing the exceptional circumstances in Scunthorpe at the time following the announcement of redundancies at TATA Steel.

  1. Who, on the North Lincolnshire Council ultimately made the decision not to go ahead with the improvements to the Berkeley Circle Roundabout?
  2. Who did they consult with prior to making the decision not to go ahead with the improvements?
  3. Can we have confirmation that the council have no direct plans to make any improvements to the road layout at the Berkeley Circle roundabout?


  1. A recommendation was made by the TATA Taskforce to the Cabinet Member Business, Innovation, Employment and Skills to re-divert the funding at this point. This was based on the results of the community conversation held at the North Lincolnshire Retail Park on Friday 3rd July 2015.
  2. 68 residents attended the community conversation /TATA Taskforce which included cross party representatives, public sector partners, MPs and TATA Steel.Residents said 'that significant changes were not necessary if access to the motorway improves through the Lincolnshire Lakes project'.
  3. There are infrastructure plans to improve the flow of traffic from the M181, including the delivery of two new junctions which will provide access to Scunthorpe avoiding Berkley Circle.The Berkeley circle solution will be seen in context along with the Lincolnshire Lakes roundabouts and access roads to enable a complete traffic solution to that area of town enabling both growth and the alleviation of congestion.

2564 BUDGET SPEECHES - It was moved by Councillor J England and seconded by Councillor R Hannigan:-
That in accordance with Procedure Rule D1.19(s) the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition be allowed up to 20 minutes to deliver their respective budget speeches.

Motion Carried

2565 (12) REVENUE BUDGET 2018/2019 AND FINANCIAL PLAN 2018/2023, CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2017/2022, TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018/2019 AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2018/2019 PAY POLICY STATEMENT - The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted reports relating to: -

  • The Revenue Budget 2018/2019 and Financial Plan 2018/2023.
  • The Capital Programme 2017/2022.
  • The Treasury Management Strategy 2018/2019.
  • The implementation of the 2018/2019 Pay Policy Statement.

Each of the above issues were addressed within separate reports. The Council operated within legally defined powers to deliver a range of local services. These included powers to raise funding to meet the costs of delivery. The Council must decide on its spending power, taking into account how much government grant, business rates it would receive and the level of Council tax it wished to set. The Council also had a legal requirement to set a balanced budget for the next financial year and a robust forecast for the medium term financial planning period.

A five year plan had been produced which would support the Council in linking its anticipated resources over the period to its strategic direction and took into consideration potential future structural changes to local government finance. The reports and their appendices identified options for continuing to deliver high quality services while meeting the challenges of the current financial climate. The report on the Revenue Budget 2018/2019 and Financial Plan 2018/2023 considered some key issues and relevant factors namely: -

  • Local Government Financial Framework and Funding and
  • Local Implications and Funding Assumptions including-

– Council Tax and Business Rates

– Collection Fund

– Funding for Adult Social Care

– Revenue Support Grant and Dedicated Schools Grant

– Public Health Grant, New Homes Bonus and Rural Services Deliver Grant.

The Director emphasised that when formulating the financial strategy available resources needed to be matched to the statutory and other spending priorities of the council. There were a number of conditions to be met to ensure the Medium Term Financial Plan was viable and these were explained under the headings below -

  • Financial resilience
  • Robust Spending Plans
  • The Management of Risks and Opportunities
  • The Strategy for Use of Reserves
  • Government Arrangements
  • A Balanced Budget

The council also has a separate capital programme for longer term investment in services over the next four years. The legal and regulatory framework which governed local authority capital investment required councils to ensure its capital investment plans were affordable, prudent and sustainable. Codes of practice and government guidance strengthened risk management in decision making and ensured focus was on longer term sustainability and risk of capital plans to avoid exposing public funds to unnecessary or unquantified risk. The Director in her corresponding report set out an initial strategy and principles to guide investments decisions for a proposed capital programme over the current and next four years, and identified how this could be funded.

Also presented for Council's consideration and approval was the Treasury Management Policy Statement and the Treasury Management Investment Strategy for 2018/19. The Local Government Act 2003 and supporting regulations provided the legal background for local authority capital investment and financing. They required the council to have regard to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy's (CIPFA) Prudential Code and CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice (as revised in 2017). The Director detailed and explained the council's proposed strategy for Investments, Borrowing, and associated Governance, and calculation of the Minimum Revenue Position through the annuity method as the preferred option for borrowing including pre-2008 debt.

In addition, the implementation of the 2018/2019 Pay Policy Statement report outlined and sought approval of the council's Pay Policy Statement for 2018/2019, in accordance with Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011. Local Authorities were required by the above Act to prepare an annual Pay Policy Statement for each council financial year, to be approved by Council. The statement attached as an appendix to the report set out the council's own policy on a range of issues relating to the pay of its workforce, particularly its senior staff (or 'chief officers') and its lowest paid employees, set within the context of the median pay of the wider workforce ('pay multiple').

Each of the financial reports submitted by the Director: Governance and Partnerships dealt with council strategy, priorities and corresponding financial planning, revenue and spending, capital investment and treasury management. Each report contained a significant and proportionate level of detail in relation to those specific areas which, taken together, enabled the council to set a budget for 2018/2019.

Moved by Councillor R Waltham MBE and seconded by Councillor R Hannigan: -


1 That in determining the resource allocation the Council has taken account of the state of public finances, the council's financial resources, the council's strategic priorities and the advice of the council's section 151 officer as referred to in report 2(a)


2 That the revenue budget for 2018/19 be set in total and for each service as follows:

Business Development2,956
Governance & Partnerships6,153
Learning, Skills & Culture8,422
Children & Community Resilience15,621
Adults & Community Wellbeing37,285
Public Health12,000
Service Total112,341
Central & Technical Budgets23,582
Inflationary Provisions3,500
Cross Council Initiatives(1,697)
Other Budgets Total25,385
Total Net Budget137,726

3 That all budgets be strictly cash limited to the figures set by the Council and that services ensure tight control of expenditure during the year and take immediate action to contain cost pressures

4 At the meeting held on 14th December 2017 Council set the following amounts for the year 2018/19. These are as required by regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-
(a) 48,602.1 as its Council Tax Base for the year [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)], and
(b) the Council Tax Base for each part of the area as shown in Appendix C of report 3(a), column 2 (regulation 6)
5 That the following amounts for 2018/19, as required by Sections 31 to 52 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended be approved

(i) 69,474,860 being the relevant amount of Council tax for 2018/19 (Council Tax requirement for the Council's own purposes excluding parish precepts but including special expenses).

(ii) The following amounts for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:

(a) 349,421,547 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils (gross expenditure including parish precepts and special expenses)

(b) 278,452,140 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act (gross income)
(c) 70,969,407 being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act)

(d) 1,460.21 being the amount at (c) above Item R, divided by Item T (4(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts) (Band D council tax including parish precepts and special expenses)

(e) 2,022,468 being the aggregate amount of all special items and Parish precepts referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act, as per Appendix C1 (Total of all Parish Precepts and Special Expenses)

(f) 1,418.60 being the amount at 5(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 5(e) above by Item T (2 above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates

(g) 33.73 being the amounts to be added to the amount at 5(f) above being the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Councils area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate

(h) As shown in Appendix C1 being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 5(f) and 5(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

6 That it be noted that for the year 2018/19 the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside and the Humberside Fire Authority have issued precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council's area as indicated in Appendix C2.

7 That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 5(h) and 6 above, the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the tables in Appendix C2 as the amounts of Council Tax for 2018/19 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings (council tax including police, fire and parish precept for each band and each parish).

8 That the Council's basic amount of Council Tax for 2018/19 is not excessive in accordance with principles approved under Section 52ZB Local Government Finance Act 1992.

9 That the robustness of the estimates used in setting the level of council tax in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2003 requirements (Part 2 Section 25 (1)(a) of the Act) be confirmed

10 That the adequacy of reserves included in the budget in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2003 requirements (Part 2 Section 25 (1) (b) of the Act), and the policy for use of reserves as set out in Section (e) and at revised Appendix A2 of report 2(a) attached be confirmed.

11 That the use of capital receipts flexibility be approved enabling spending charged to the revenue budget on service transformation to be capitalised as set out at Appendix A3 of report 2(a).

12 That the Director of Governance and Partnerships be authorised to amend the Constitution (and Scheme of Delegation to Officers) to authorise Executive Directors and Directors to approve, in accordance with Human Resources policy, changes in the staffing establishment.

13 That the Members Allowance Scheme for 2018/19 be approved as detailed in paragraph 1 of Council minute 2372, subject to any amendments to the scheme as are necessary as a consequence of Council minute 2477.

14 That the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2018/23 as set out in revised Appendices B1 and B2 of report 2(a) be approved and the council tax increases be set at 1.99%in 2018/19 and indicatively at 2.99% in 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 & 2022/23.

15 That the Adult Social Care Precept as set out in revised Appendix B1 of report 2(a) be approved and the increase in the Precept be set at 3% in 2018/19.

16 That the Council's Chief Financial Officer be authorised to allocate to service budgets in 2018/19 the budget for Inflationary Provisions and Cross Council Initiatives.

17 That the Council's Chief Financial Officer be authorised to produce the necessary taxpayer information.

18 That the capital programme for 2017/22 be approved in line with revised Appendices B & C of report 2(b) attached.

19 That the capital investment strategy outlined in section 2 of report 2(b) be approved.

20 That, subject to the approval of the Cabinet Member for Business Transformation & Finance, further capital projects, fully funded by external sources or which are self-financing, may be added to the capital programme when known and assessed by a proper business case.

21 That in accordance with Part 1, sections 3 and 5 of the Local Government Act, 2003 the Prudential Indicators contained in revised Appendix A of report 2(b) attached be approved.

22 That the Chief Financial Officer be authorised to determine the methods of capital financing within the available funding (revenue budget, capital receipts, borrowing, specific external funding and leasing).

23 That the Chief Financial Officer be delegated authority to:

  • borrow within authorised limits and the operational boundaries for external debt
    effect movement between agreed borrowing figures and long term liabilities, in accordance with option appraisal and the achievement of value for money for the council. Movements are to be reported to cabinet or council as appropriate at the next meeting following the change

24 That any amendments required to Prudential Indicators during 2018/19 are reported to audit committee, cabinet or council as appropriate.

25 That the Treasury Management Policy and Treasury Management Investment Strategy for 2018/19 at Appendix A of report 2(c) be approved.

26 That council approves the list of approved financial institutions at Appendix A2 to the report 2(c) and delegates to the Chief Financial Officer the authority to make changes to the list as necessary, within the guidelines set by the Treasury Strategy. Any changes to be reported back to Council, Cabinet and Audit Committee as part of the regular reporting process.

27 That the Prudential Code 2017, the CIPFA Treasury Management in Public Services Code of Practice and related MHCLG Guidance be adopted.

28 That the prudential indicators for 2018/21 at revised Appendix A3 to the report 2(c) be approved.

29 That the revised policy on the Minimum Revenue Provision at Appendix A4 to the report 2(c) be approved to apply from 2017/18.

Pay Policy Statement
30 That the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 contained in report 2(d) be approved.

Moved by: Councillor L. Foster and seconded by Councillor S. Wilson as an amendment –

1 That in determining the resource allocation the Council has taken account of the state of public finances, the council's financial resources, the council's strategic priorities and the advice of the council's section 151 officer as referred to in report 2(a)

2 That the revenue budget for 2018/19 be set in total and for each service as follows:

Business Development2,956
Governance & Partnerships6,153
Learning, Skills & Culture8,222
Children & Community Resilience15,583
Adults & Community Wellbeing37,285
Public Health12,000
Service Total111,853
Central & Technical Budgets23,605
Inflationary Provisions3,500
Cross Council Initiatives(1,697)
Other Budgets Total25,408
Total Net Budget137,261


3 That all budgets be strictly cash limited to the figures set by the Council and that services ensure tight control of expenditure during the year and take immediate action to contain cost pressures

4 At the meeting held on 14th December 2017 Council set the following amounts for the year 2018/19. These are as required by regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:-

(a) 48,602.1 as its Council Tax Base for the year [Item T in the formula in Section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)], and

(b) the Council Tax Base for each part of the area as shown in Appendix C of report 2(a), column 2 (regulation 6)

5 That the following amounts for 2018/19, as required by Sections 31 to 52 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended be approved

(i) 70,137,125 being the relevant amount of Council tax for 2018/19 (Council Tax requirement for the Council's own purposes excluding parish precepts but including special expenses).

(ii) The following amounts for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:

(a) 348,956,547 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils (gross expenditure including parish precepts and special expenses)

(b) 277,324,875 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act (gross income)

(c) 71,631,672 being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act)

(d) 1,473.84 being the amount at (c) above Item R, divided by Item T (4(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts) (Band D council tax including parish precepts and special expenses)

(e) 2,027,633 being the aggregate amount of all special items and Parish precepts referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act, as per Appendix C1 (Total of all Parish Precepts and Special Expenses)

(f) 1,432.12 being the amount at 5(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 5(e) above by Item T (2 above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates

(g) 34.06 being the amounts to be added to the amount at 5(f) above being the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Councils area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate

(h) As shown in Appendix C1 being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at 5(f) and 5(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.
6 That it be noted that for the year 2018/19 the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside and the Humberside Fire Authority have issued precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council's area as indicated in Appendix C2.

7 That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 5(h) and 6 above, the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the tables in Appendix C2 as the amounts of Council Tax for 2018/19 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings (council tax including police, fire and parish precept for each band and each parish).

8 That the Council's basic amount of Council Tax for 2018/19 is not excessive in accordance with principles approved under Section 52ZB Local Government Finance Act 1992.

9 That the robustness of the estimates used in setting the level of council tax in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2003 requirements (Part 2 Section 25 (1)(a) of the Act) be confirmed

10 That the adequacy of reserves included in the budget in accordance with the Local Government Act, 2003 requirements (Part 2 Section 25 (1) (b) of the Act), and the policy for use of reserves as set out in Section (e) and at revised Appendix A2 of report 2(a) attached be confirmed.

11 That the use of capital receipts flexibility be approved enabling spending charged to the revenue budget on service transformation to be capitalised as set out at Appendix A3 of report 2(a).

12 That the Director of Governance and Partnerships be authorised to amend the Constitution (and Scheme of Delegation to Officers) to authorise Executive Directors and Directors to approve, in accordance with Human Resources policy, changes in the staffing establishment.

13 That the Members Allowance Scheme for 2018/19 be approved as detailed in paragraph 1 of Council minute 2372, subject to any amendments to the scheme as are necessary as a consequence of Council minute 2477.

14 That the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2018/23 as set out in revised Appendices B1 and B2 of report 2(a) be approved and the council tax increases be set at 2.99% in 2018/19 and indicatively at 2.99% in 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 & 2022/23.

15 That the Adult Social Care Precept as set out in revised Appendix B1 of report 2(a) be approved and the increase in the Precept be set at 3% in 2018/19.

16 That the Council's Chief Financial Officer be authorised to allocate to service budgets in 2018/19 the budget for Inflationary Provisions and Cross Council Initiatives.

17 That the Council's Chief Financial Officer be authorised to produce the necessary taxpayer information.

18 That the capital programme for 2017/22 be approved in line with revised Appendices B & C of report 2(b) attached.

19 That the capital investment strategy outlined in section 2 of report 2(b) be approved.

20 That, subject to the approval of the Cabinet Member for Business Transformation & Finance, further capital projects, fully funded by external sources or which are self-financing, may be added to the capital programme when known and assessed by a proper business case.

21 That in accordance with Part 1, sections 3 and 5 of the Local Government Act, 2003 the Prudential Indicators contained in revised Appendix A of report 2(b) attached be approved.

22 That the Chief Financial Officer be authorised to determine the methods of capital financing within the available funding (revenue budget, capital receipts, borrowing, specific external funding and leasing).

23 That the Chief Financial Officer be delegated authority to:

  • borrow within authorised limits and the operational boundaries for external debt
  • effect movement between agreed borrowing figures and long term liabilities, in accordance with option appraisal and the achievement of value for money for the council. Movements are to be reported to cabinet or council as appropriate at the next meeting following the change

24 That any amendments required to Prudential Indicators during 2018/19 are reported to audit committee, cabinet or council as appropriate.
25 That the Treasury Management Policy and Treasury Management Investment Strategy for 2018/19 at Appendix A of report 2(c) be approved.

26 That council approves the list of approved financial institutions at Appendix A2 to the report 2(c) and delegates to the Chief Financial Officer the authority to make changes to the list as necessary, within the guidelines set by the Treasury Strategy. Any changes to be reported back to Council, Cabinet and Audit Committee as part of the regular reporting process.

27 That the Prudential Code 2017, the CIPFA Treasury Management in Public Services Code of Practice and related MHCLG Guidance be adopted.

28 That the prudential indicators for 2018/21 at revised Appendix A3 to the report 2(c) be approved.

29 That the revised policy on the Minimum Revenue Provision at Appendix A4 to the report 2(c) be approved to apply from 2017/18.

Pay Policy Statement
That the proposed Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 contained in report 2(d) be approved.

After the final scheduled Labour Group speaker on the debate on the council's budget had spoken, it was at this point in the proceedings that all members of the Labour Group present left the meeting.

The Mayor then adjourned and then reconvened the meeting after a ten minute comfort break.

Following completion of the debate on the budget the council proceeded to the vote.

Members were reminded that in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 immediately after any vote was taken at a budget meeting the voting shall be recorded in the minutes to show whether each member present votes for or against a decision or who abstained from voting.

The names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the amendment are as follows: -

FOR: Nil

AGAINST: Councillors Allcock, Armiger, Briggs, Clark, J Davison, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Hannigan, Longcake, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Poole, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, P Vickers, Waltham MBE and Wells.

Amendment Lost

(The following members were not present in the council chamber at the time the vote on the amendment was taken - Councillors Ali, Armitage, Bainbridge, Collinson, A Davison, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Kataria, Kirk, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift and Wilson).

The names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the motion are as follows :-

FOR: Councillors Allcock, Armiger, Briggs, Clark, J Davison, England, Evison, T Foster, Glover, Hannigan, Longcake, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Poole, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, P Vickers, Waltham MBE and Wells.


Motion Carried

(The following members were not present in the council chamber at the time the vote on the motion was taken - Councillors Ali, Armitage, Bainbridge, Collinson, A Davison, Ellerby, L Foster, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Kataria, Kirk, Oldfield, O'Sullivan, Swift and Wilson).
