Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Wednesday 5th June 2019

Chairman: Councillor N Sherwood
Venue: Conference Room, Church Square House, Scunthorpe
Time: 2 pm
Email address:


1. Substitutions.

2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).

3. Applications deferred from previous meetings for a site visit.

4. Major Planning Applications.

5. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

6. Public Footpath 6, Amcotts, at white House, Trentside - Report by the Director of Operations.

7. Definitive Map Modification (Restricted Byway 2, Belton) Order 20108 (1) - Report by the Director of Operations.

8. Appleby Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Report by the Director of Business Development.

9. Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Group Manager - Development Management and Building Control unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT: – Councillor J Evison (Chair)

Councillors Bainbridge, J Davison, L. Foster, Glover, Gosling, Grant, Longcake, C. Sherwood and Wells

Councillor(s) Allcock, Briggs, Hannigan, Mumby-Croft, Reed, Waltham MBE, attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Church Square House, High Street, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared a personal interest:-

Councillor Allcock
Minute : General Application : General
Nature of Interest : Member of the Isle of Axholme water management Board.
Councillor Briggs
Minute : General; Application : General
Nature of Interest : Member of the Fire Authority and the Isle of Axholme Water management Board.
Councillor L Foster
Minute 1950 (i) Application PA/2018/440
Nature of Interest : Attended the public meeting
Councillor Grant
Minute 1950 (i) Application PA/2018/440
Nature of Interest : Attended the public meeting.
Councillor Wells
Minute 1949 (i) Application PA/2016/1417; Minute 1949 (ii) Application PA/2016/1424; Minute 1949 (iii) Application PA/2016/1426; Minute 1949 (iv) Application PA/2016/1429; Minute 1949 (v) Application PA/2016/1784; Minute 1949 (vi) Application PA/2016/1786
Nature of Interest : Knows the applicant.

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:-

Councillor J Davison
Application PA/2017/1788 Minute 1951 (i); Application PA/2017/824 Minute 1949 (vii); Application PA/2017/855 Minute 1949 (viii)
Councillor Evison
Application PA/2017/824 Minute 1949 (vii); Application PA/2017/855 Minute 1949 (viii); Application PA/2018/1381 Minute 1951 (ii); Application PA/2019/263 Minute 1951 (ix); Application PA/2018/440 Minute 1950 (i)
Councillor Glover
Application PA/2017/1788 Minute 1951 (i); Application PA/2017/824 Minute 1949 (vii); Application PA/2017/851 Minute 1951 (ix)
Councillor Grant
Application PA/2018/1788 Minute 1951 (i)
Councillor Hannigan
Application PA/2016/1417 Minute 1949 (i); Application PA/2016/1426 Minute 1949 (iii); Application PA/2016/1784 Minute 1949 (v); Application PA/2016/1424 Minute 1949 (ii); Application PA/2016/1429 Minute 1949 (iv); Application PA/2016/1786 Minute 1949 (vi); Application PA/2018/1381 Minute 1951 (ii)
Councillor Longcake
Application PA/2017/1788 Minute 1951 (i); Application PA/2017/824 Minute 1949 (vii); Application PA/2017/855 Minute 1949 (viii)
Councillor Mumby-Croft
Application PA/2019/77 Minute 1951 (v)
Councillor C Sherwood
Application PA/2018/440 Minute 1950 (i)
Councillor Wells
Application PA/2016/1424 Minute 1949 (ii); Application PA/2016/1426 Minute 1949 (iii); Application PA/2016/1429 Minute 1949 (iv); Application PA/2016/1784 Minute 1949 (v); Application PA/2016/1786 Minute 1949 (vi); Application PA/2018/1381 Minute 1951 (ii); Application PA/2017/1788 Minute 1951 (i); Application PA/2019/118 Minute 1951 (vi)

1949 APPLICATIONS DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - In accordance with the decisions at the previous meeting, members had undertaken site visits on the morning of the meeting. The Group Manager – Development Management submitted reports and updated them orally.

(i) PA/2016/1417 by John Halmshaw Partners for planning permission for alterations to an existing outbuilding (unit4) within the curtilage of Wootton Hall, including construction of a dormer window, in conjunction with a change of use to form a dwelling at Wootton Hall, Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Councillor Hannigan addressed the committee as the local ward member and felt that this was good sustainable development for the future of Wootton Hall. He stated that there was initial concern locally that had largely been dealt with, and as a result felt that it would be an attractive venue for North Lincolnshire and hoped the committee saw the applications for this site as a positive set of proposals.

Councillor Wells agreed it was a good use of the buildings, and the conditions attached to the planning permission would put any concerns to rest.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(ii) PA/2016/1424 by John Halmshaw Partners for listed building consent for formation of new arched opening to west wall at walled garden at Wootton Hall, Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(iii) PA/2016/1426 by John Halmshaw Partners for planning permission for the construction of 6 detached Eco Lodges within a walled garden area in conjunction with related alterations to an existing modern agricultural shed, and adjacent outbuilding, together with forming new openings in kitchen garden wall and associated works at Wootton Hall, Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(iv) PA/2016/1429 by John Halmshaw Partners for planning permission for alterations and an extension to an existing cottage, linked to an existing former barn (now domestic storage and garaging) to be converted and altered to form an extension to existing dwelling at Unit 6, Wootton Hall, Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(v) PA/2016/1784 by John Halmshaw Partners for planning permission to carry out alterations and extensions to provide a dwelling at Unit 5 in the grounds of Wootton Hall, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(vi) PA/2016/1786 by John Halmshaw Partners for listed building consent to carry out extensions and alterations at Unit 5 Wootton Hall, Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(vii) PA/2017/824 by Colin Muscroft for outline planning permission for residential development with all matters reserved except for access at Seven Lakes Industrial Estate, access road to leisure complex and industrial site, Ealand, DN17 4JS.

The agents spoke on behalf of this application and at the same time the following application PA/2017/855 as they related to the same site. In doing so they indicated that the area had been identified as an area of need, on a sustainable site with no highway objections with a drainage structure that was up to standard. In their comments they stated that Severn Trent would not model any future flood/drainage works until a planning development had been approved, once this happened it then triggered a schedule of works.

Resolved - That subject to the section 106 agreement planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(viii) PA/2017/855 by Mr Ian Johnson, Canley Food Packers for outline planning permission to erect a residential development with all matters reserved except for access at Seven Lakes Industrial Estate, access road to leisure complex and industrial site, Ealand, DN17 4JS.

Resolved - That subject to the section 106 agreement planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

1950 MAJOR APPLICATIONS - The Group Manager - Development Management submitted a report containing details of major applications for determination by the committee, including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.

(i) PA/2018/440 by B and P Truelove for planning permission planning permission for the demolition of all steel-framed barns, conversion of existing brick barns to form 4 flexible commercial units (classes A1, A2, A3 and B1), conversion of brick barns to form 11 dwellings, erection of 26 open market homes, landscaping, associated car and bicycle parking, public open space, pedestrian footways, cycle ways, access roads, and pedestrian and within-site cycle crossing points at land at Worlaby House Farm, Low Road, Worlaby, DN20 0LY.

Four objectors addressed the committee and raised concerns on a number of issues, these included: over-development of the site, the site was outside the development boundary, the infrastructure could not accommodate this development, it would increase traffic in the area that would have an adverse impact to the community, concern over the potential use of commercial units, the possibility of flood risk and drainage concerns, and they felt that it was against planning policy.

Two residents and the agent spoke in support of the application. Their main points for supporting it included: no adverse impact to the area, it was in a sustainable area and they felt there was multiple benefits to the area from the proposal. One resident thought it could bring employment benefits, possibility of having some shops, and felt it was a good time for the village to accept change.

The Chairman read out a letter from Andrew Percy MP who raised concerns on behalf of a number of residents due to the size of the development, possible over capacity at the school and the extra vehicles using the village.

Councillor Waltham MBE spoke as the local ward member. He expressed his concerns at the size of the proposed development, and did not feel a further 37 dwellings were needed in the village. He agreed it would tidy up the buildings, but in doing so would also have an impact on the infrastructure, particularly the schools and drainage.

Councillor C Sherwood felt it was over development for the area, and thought 11 dwellings on the site would have been a better option and more sustainable for the village and infrastructure.

Councillor Grant highlighted the number of objections that had been received against the application and felt that the committee should listen to the residents. He stated that it was not a sustainable development if the application only met two of the seven key points, and no evidence that the units would be viable in the future.

Councillor L Foster stated he had attended the public meeting for this application and also felt that the application was over development, and the plots on the site would not be for first time buyers. He said it could put pressures on the school and argued whether it was actually sustainable development.

Councillor J Davison felt it was inevitable that the village would increase in the future, and there was no benefit at the moment with the site in its current state. He didn't see any issues with the application, and highways had no objections to it.

Moved by Councillor Grant and seconded by Councillor L Foster -

That planning permission be refused.

Moved by Councillor J Davison and seconded by Councillor Wells as an amendment -

That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report subject to the section 106 agreement.

The votes having been equal, the Chairman used his second and casting vote on the amendment.

Amendment Carried.
Substantive Motion Carried.

(ii) PA/2018/2060 by Mr L Dodds, Bioganix Ltd for planning permission to erect extensions to existing buildings to form a covered building for de-packing and processing food waste at composting site, Bonby Lane, Bonby, DN20 0QN.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

1951 PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS - The Group Manager - Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Group Manager - Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members' questions as requested.

(i) PA/2017/1788 by Mr & Mrs Sowerby for planning permission to erect a dwelling including associated landscaping at land to the rear of 32 and 34 Low Street, Haxey, DN9 2LE.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(ii) PA/2018/1381 by Mr and Mrs R Burnett for planning permission to erect five detached dwellings with private drive and associated external landscaping at 7 Vicarage Lane, Wootton, DN39 6SH.

The applicant spoke at the meeting and stated he wanted to bring investment into the village he grew up in. He felt there was sustainable services in the village, and had taken into consideration the views of the local community.

Councillor Hannigan as local ward member had concerns about the application, and the possible over development within the village due to a number of previous applications already being approved for new dwellings. He highlighted that it was outside the development boundary and the access to the properties would not be adopted by the highways authority. He urged the committee to hold a site visit before making a decision on the application.

Councillor Wells felt it would destroy the open countryside, and was against planning policy. He suggested the committee hold a site visit to view the area before making a decision.

Resolved - That the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the committee to visit the site.

(iii) PA/2018/2403 by Miss Julia Smith for outline planning permission to erect two dwellings with access not reserved for subsequent approval at land to the rear of 9 Nethergate, Westwoodside, Haxey, DN9 2DR.

The agent spoke on the application and highlighted it was development in the back garden of the property that was previously development land, for residential use. He stated that it was in a sustainable location, with no highway objection and was similar to other applications approved previously.

Councillor C Sherwood indicated it was still back land development, and outside of the development boundary and felt it should be refused in line with the officer's recommendation.

Resolved - That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(iv) PA/2018/2527 by Mr Keith Phillips for advertisement consent to retain 3 non-illuminated signs at Shepherds Place Farm, 99A Akeferry Road, Westwoodside, DN9 2NF.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(v) PA/2019/77 by Ms Zara Grey for planning permission for change of use from C3 to C2 at The Mount, B1208 from A18 to Brigg Road, Castlethorpe, Broughton, DN20 9LG.

In addressing the committee the applicant spoke of her passion to turn her family home into a place for children who were not in the most favourable position, and be able to provide them with stability and a loving home. She believed it would make a difference to the lives of children, would be regulated by Ofsted and used trained staff who would also be regulated.

Councillor Mumby-Croft as local ward member queried if this was the right location for the application, and stated it was a difficult application to determine and would leave it up to the judgement of the committee to make the decision.

Councillor Longcake felt the application would have an adverse impact on the location, would be detrimental to the community, and contrary to planning policy.

Councillor Gosling welcomed the application and said it was good that the applicant had this passion to look after the children and the application should be approved.

Councillor L Foster stated that there was no good or bad location for this facility, and that the kind of care that was being offered to children through this application should be encouraged.

It was moved by Councillor Gosling and seconded by Councillor Grant -

That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

Moved by Councillor Longcake and seconded by Councillor Wells as an amendment -

That planning permission be refused.

Amendment Lost
Motion carried

(vi) PA/2019/118 by Mrs J Burt and Mr T Strawson for outline planning permission to erect five dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval at land west of Vicarage Lane, North Killingholme.

Councillor Wells was supportive of the application in the main but had concerns over the footpath on the highway. He asked for an additional condition to be added to the permission if approved.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report with the addition of the following condition -

Prior to the occupation of any of the approved dwellings, a footway shall be provided across the front of the site in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

In the interest of highway safety.

(vii) PA/2019/210 by Mr and Mrs Griffiths for planning permission to erect two bungalows at Scallow Grove Farm, Kirton Road, Messingham, DN17 3RD.

The agent highlighted that the application was only just outside the village boundary limits on vacant grass land, and would be a high quality residential development that would complement the village of Messingham.

Councillor C Sherwood, having listened to the agent felt it was not a beneficial application for Messingham village, and the application should be refused as it fell outside the boundary limits.

Resolved - That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(viii) PA/2019/250 by Mr G Farmer for planning permission to erect a farm manager's dwelling and associated outbuildings at Croft Bank Farm, Langholme Lane, Westwoodside, DN9 4EX.

Resolved - That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(ix) PA/2019/263 by Mr and Mrs B Newton for planning permission to convert loft space to habitable accommodation with associated works and erect a detached single-storey annexe for a dependent relative at 63 Millfields, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5DS.

An objector addressed the committee with concerns over the loss of light they would lose if the annex was built, and felt the build would have been more beneficial to everyone if it was positioned at the opposite side. She indicated it would devalue her property, and was out of keeping with the area.

The applicant stated that it was an application to provide independent living for his daughter, and was the best option for the future for his family. He felt all concerns had been addressed with the planning officers prior to the application being submitted.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

(x) PA/2019/326 by Mr Jim Colver for outline planning permission for the erection of one dwelling with all matters reserved (re-submission of PA/2018/248) at land adjacent to Saffron Garth, High Street, Belton, DN9 1NL.

The applicant felt that the officer's report was misleading, and the application had been re-submitted with the amendments suggested, and since the Highways authority had withdrawn their objections. He stated that it was in a sustainable area, within the designated limit and was not contrary to any core strategies.

Councillor Grant felt it would be beneficial for the committee to hold a site visit before making a decision on the application.

Resolved - That the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the committee to visit the site.

(xi) PA/2019/392 by Mr Cherry, Cherry Tree Homes Ltd for planning permission to demolish existing house and erect four detached dwellings and associated garages (resubmission of PA/2018/1294) at 10 Commonside, Westwoodside, Haxey, DN9 2AP.

An objector stated that this was a re-submission of an application previously refused, and she felt there was the same issues as with the previous refusal. It would have a negative impact along Commonside, and be dangerous to pedestrian users.

Councillor Allcock spoke as the local ward member and raised a number of concerns with the application. These included: over-development of the plot which was the reason for refusal last time and nothing had changed particularly. Detrimental to highway users, density too high for the plot, and contrary to planning policies. He urged the committee to refuse the application.

Councillor J Davison felt it was practically identical to the previous application that was refused, and it was still over development, and therefore should also be refused.

It was moved by Councillor J Davison and seconded by Councillor Grant -

That planning permission be refused for the following reason -

The proposal represents an over-development of the plot and would impact upon the existing highway network that would be detrimental to other users. The scheme would also be harmful to the character and appearance of the area and that of the Area of Special Historic Landscape Interest of the Isle of Axholme by virtue of the volume of built form. It is therefore considered that the proposal is contrary to policy CS5 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy, and policies DS1 and LC14 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.

(xii) PA/2019/526 by Mr and Mrs Day for planning permission to erect a single-storey extension off the northern elevation at The Manor House, access roads in Manor Farm, Manton, DN2 4JT.

Resolved - That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officer's report.

1952 Public Footpath 6, Amcotts, at white House, Trentside - The Director: Operations submitted a report for consideration on whether an order should be referred to the Secretary of State for determination.

Resolved - That the report be deferred for consideration at the next meeting.

1953 Map Modification (Restricted Byway 2, Belton) Order 20108 (1) Definitive - The Director: Operations submitted a report to determine North Lincolnshire Councils stance before referring a duly-contended definitive map modification to the Secretary of State.

Resolved – That the report be deferred for consideration at the next meeting.

1954 Appleby Parish Neighbourhood Plan - A report was submitted by the Director: Business Development informing the committee that the Appleby Parish Neighbourhood Plan had met the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and asked the committee to recommend that its adoption be considered at a future meeting of the Council.

Recommended to Council - That the plan be referred to Council for its consideration at a future meeting.
