Meeting documents

Health and Wellbeing Board
Friday 1st July 2016

Chairman: Councillor Baroness Liz Redfern
Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe
Time: 2.00pm


1. Welcome and Introductions.

2. Substitutions.

3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 22 March 2016.

5. Questions from members of the public.


6. Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Revised Draft Action Plan - Report of the Interim Director of Public Health

7. The White Ribbon Campaign - Presentation by the Domestic Abuse Strategy Manager

Update on the Sustainable Transformation Plan - Report by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG (to follow).

9. Update on the Development of Accountable Care in North Lincolnshire / Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures Update - presentation by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.

10. Quarterly report on the Better Care Fund - Report by the Director of People and Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.

11. CAMHS Transformation Plan Update - Report by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG


12. Healthwatch North Lincolnshire - Annual Report 2015/16 and update by the Chair of Healthwatch.

13. Date and time of next meeting: 16 September 2016

14. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:- Councillor Baroness Redfern in the Chair.

Kian Borg-Jackson, Simon Driver, Adrian Evans, Nick Hamilton-Rudd, Denise Hyde, Liane Langdon, Gillian Laurence, Fiona Phillips, Julia Pollock, Nick Tharratt, Alan Usher, Mike Wedgewood and Peter Williams.

Councillors Collinson and Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).

Dean Gillon, Lynn Lewendon, Karen Pavey, Julie Poole, Tracey Wartnaby and Debbie Winning were in attendance.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

The Chairman invited all those present to observe a minute's silence to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the beginning of The Battle of the Somme, and to remember the fallen.

174 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the thirteenth meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.


176 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 22 March 2016 be approved as a correct record.

177 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - There were no questions from members of the public.

178 (1) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE JOINT HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY 'BIG TICKET' PRIORITIES AND ACTIONS 2016-18 - The Interim Director of Public Health submitted a report to agree the production and publication of a draft supplementary section, updating the Strategic Priority Actions in the North Lincolnshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) 2013-18. The report also asked the Board to consider the content and format of the accompanying Outcomes Based Accountability Turning the Curve report cards produced to demonstrate activity for each of the agreed 'Big Ticket' priorities for the remaining life of the Strategy (2016-18).

The Chairman led a discussion on the proposed Big Ticket items, the suggested method of making progress on the issues, and the arrangements to monitor improved outcomes. A small number of minor changes were discussed and agreed.

Resolved - (a) That the draft supplementary JHWS section, updating priority action developments, be produced and published and added as a JHWS update, (b) that the process of Turning the Curve report cards and identified Big Ticket issues be approved, (c) that Task and Finish Groups be established where appropriate to the delivery of the priority, and where established networks cannot provide the appropriate forum, (d) that the Board approve that, where there are already established networks and mechanisms for driving actions, these can be utilised for ownership of the Turning the Curve report and actions, driving activity on behalf of the Board, (e) that a yearly reporting cycle for each of the Big Ticket priorities - tobacco and obesity, be approved, and that these be reported by the programme officer leads via Turning the Curve reports and relevant materials, and (f) that the Board pledge support to championing specific activity related to alcohol, mental health and healthy ageing.

179 THE WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN - A presentation was given by the Domestic Abuse Strategy Manager on the White Ribbon campaign. This international campaign aimed to encourage and recruit men to take action to eliminate violence against women. A wide-ranging discussion on domestic abuse and violence took place, and all Board members were asked to consider how their organisations could help prevent this, and better support victims. Examples of current and planned work were described.

Resolved - (a) That all Board members consider how they, and their respective organisations, can help to tackle domestic abuse, violence and coercive control in a co-ordinated manner, (b) that recent Cabinet reports and minutes on the campaign be circulated to the Board, and (c) that the Domestic Abuse Strategy Manager be thanked for her attendance and act as an initial contact for further information, advice, and action.

180 SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION PLAN AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACCOUNTABLE CARE IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE - The Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, gave a detailed presentation on the submission of the Sustainable Transformation Plan (STP), the move towards a place-based Accountable Care model in North Lincolnshire, and an update on the ongoing Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures programme. Details were given on the drivers that were leading to these developments, progress, and likely timescales.

There was a discussion about the submitted STP footprint and how this corresponded to both patient flows and the devolution agenda. It was confirmed that the great majority of care would continue to be delivered within North Lincolnshire. Practical examples of ongoing improvements, based on the Care Network model, were set out, including the North Lincolnshire 'Perfect Fortnight'.

Resolved - (a)That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the content of the presentation, (b) that an informal development session be arranged to explore the concepts in more depth, including from a wider partnership approach, and (c) that the STP submission be circulated to all Board members when made public.

181 (2) QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE BETTER CARE FUND - BETTER CARE FUND: 2015/16 PLAN UPDATE AND 2016/17 PLAN PROGRESS - The Chief Officer North Lincolnshire CCG and the Director of People submitted the quarterly joint report informing the Board of the key deliverables and implementation against the Better Care Fund (BCF), providing an update on the requirements for the BCF plan 2016/17, and confirming the final BCF plan for 2016/17 that was submitted on 30 June 2016.

The report provided a summary of the final position for the 2015/16 BCF plan, and presented the revised plan that was submitted for 2016/17. The BCF was intended to act as a catalyst for transformation towards a more integrated health and social care system, intended to improve quality, experience and outcomes for local people.

Resolved - (a) That the progress against the 2015/16 BCF Plan and its implementation arrangements and key deliverables be noted, and (b) that the Board confirms that the final BCF plan 2016/17 had been submitted to NHS England.

182 (3) CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (CAMHS) TRANSFORMATION PLAN UPDATE - The Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, submitted a report updating the Health and Wellbeing Board in relation to progress against the Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan (CAMHS Transformation Plan).

The report confirmed that the national ambition to transform the design and delivery of a local offer of services for children and young people with mental health needs was set out in the May 2015 report Future in Mind. This required the development of an integrated, whole system approach to driving further improvements to services across a number of agencies. Further guidance required CCGs to lead on and produce a five-year CAMHS Transformation Plan, with a national assurance programme that would release funding. Details were given regarding the local plan's development, links to GPs and other frontline staff, and services that would be rolled out in the autumn. Work was also underway to commission specialist tier-4 services. The Board was informed of a number of forthcoming events promoting young people's emotional health and wellbeing.

Resolved - That the updated report with regard to the CAMHS Transformation Plan and the ongoing process of implementation be noted.

183 (4) HEALTHWATCH NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 AND UPDATE - The Chair of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire circulated copies of their Annual Report 2015/16, highlighting areas of success throughout the year, the financial and staffing situation, and plans for future work.

Resolved - (a) That Healthwatch North Lincolnshire's Annual Report 2015/16 be noted, and publicised by all Board members as appropriate, (b) that the Board consider and forward the details of suitable individuals who may wish to become a Healthwatch Director, and (c) that the situation be noted.

184 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING – It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Board would be 2pm on 16 September 2016. It was likely that the meeting would be split between a formal, public Board meeting and an informal, private development session. Further details would be circulated in due course.