Meeting documents

Children and Families Cabinet Member - 2022-2023
Tuesday 23rd July 2019

3 PUBLICATION OF NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE'S ANNUAL SKILLS AND EMPLOYABILITY REPORT 2018/19 - The Director: Learning, Skills and Culture submitted a report seeking approval for the publication of the Annual Skills and Employability Report.

This report provided an update of the progress made within the Skills and Employability Plan (SEP). The SEP articulated the high level ambitions set out within the Council Plan, which the council needed to achieve in order to drive forwards skills and employability in the council's area in order to attain a more highly skilled workforce, higher paid jobs and full employment.

The SEP formed part of the wider bookcase of plans which together contributed to the council's Prosperity Strategy, and also strongly supported Government objectives around growing the apprenticeships offer, technical education and higher level and specialised skills.

The main priorities of

- Enabling business capacity and growth,
- Enabling progression and
- Facilitating Area-wide Capacity

and actions within the SEP were designed to put North Lincolnshire in a strong position to respond to national and regional policies to increase productivity, growth in the economy and support.

Areas of focus for 2019/20 were identified, furthering the work streams stated in the SEP. Additionally the council set an ambition to further strengthen partnership work for preparing people who were not in employment to access jobs in the local labour market. The establishment of a multi-agency 'Tactical Intervention Group' including Department of Work and Pensions, local skills providers and the council's assets would match groups of people to vacancies, working with employers to ensure that potential recruits had the necessary support and skill development to sustain employment.

Resolved - (a) That the publication of the North Lincolnshire Employability and Skills Report for 2018/19, be approved, and (b) that the further development of multi-agency work for enabling people into employment by establishing a Tactical Intervention Group, be supported.

4 RECONSTITUTION OF FREDERICK GOUGH SCHOOL - The Director: Learning, Skills and Culture submitted a report seeking approval for the instrument of government to allow the governing body of Frederick Gough School to be reconstituted to be effect from 12 November 2019.

At the full governing body meeting of Frederick Gough School held on 26 February 2019, the governors voted to reconstitute the governing body in line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 and the School Governance (Constitution) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.

The above regulations set out the options available to schools in terms of the overall number of governors, the categories of governor and the guiding principles for the constitution. The regulations gave the governing body more flexibility with their constitution and stated that they should be no bigger than they need to be to carry out their statutory duties. The regulations stipulated the categories and number of governors for maintained schools as follows:

- 2 parent governors (minimum)
- 1 Local Authority governor (maximum)
- 1 staff governor (maximum)
- 1 head teacher
- As many co-opted governors as necessary to fulfil the skills requirements. Up to a maximum of one third of governors can be staff members

The constitution of each governing body was laid down in a document known as the instrument of government. A governing body may at any time request changes to their constitution, in accordance with the regulations, by varying their instrument of government.

Where changes were proposed, a maintained school's governing body must prepare a draft instrument of government and submit it to the local authority for approval.

Appendix 1 to the report set out the constitution of the governing body in the form of an instrument of government, as requested by the governors of Frederick Gough School.

Resolved - That the proposed instrument of government, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.
