Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel 2018/19
Thursday 2nd April 2015

PRESENT:- Councillor Mrs Bromby in the chair.

Councillors Barker (Vice-Chair), Bainbridge, Eckhardt and Ogg.

Councillor Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

301 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) - - There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

302 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK- There were no requests received.

303 QUALITY ACCOUNTS - The Chairman explained that local providers were required to invite the scrutiny panel to submit comments to accompany their Quality Account documents.

The Chairman welcomed Karen Jackson, Chief Executive, and Kathryn Helley, Deputy Director of Performance Assurance, Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust to the meeting. Karen and Kathryn explained that the finalised document would be circulated to members in due course, and discussed a range of performance measures and targets. The Trust's agreed priorities for the coming year were highlighted before questions and comments were invited. Members discussed a number of issues, including shift patterns, discharge procedures and clinical leadership. Karen then provided an update on the Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures programme.

The Chairman then introduced Paul Benton, Deputy Director of Quality, East Midlands Ambulance Service, to the meeting. Paul gave a similar presentation, highlighting performance on key issues and the identified priorities for the following year. Members discussed a number of related issues, including hospital handovers, links to mental health and police, and the use of private sector vehicles.

Members then discussed possible approaches to working with the mental health provider to improve communication and joint working.

Resolved - (a) That Karen Jackson, Kathryn Helley and Paul Benton be thanked for their attendance, (b) that suitable feedback be drafted, approved by the Chairman and Vice-Chair, and returned to the relevant providers to coincide with their timetables, and (c) that Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust be invited to a scrutiny meeting in the coming months.

304 EYE HEALTH - The Chairman summarised the panel's work on eye health, explaining that a draft report had been circulated to all members, including co-optees. Informal feedback was likely to be received from partners in the coming days.

Resolved - That the scrutiny panel approve the draft report, pending any minor amendments to be agreed by the Chairman and Vice-Chair, and submit the report to Cabinet for further consideration and action.

305 DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH – Members received a short, oral update on developing issues relevant to the panel's terms of reference. This included a recent action plan arising from a previous report into Great Oaks.

Resolved - That the situation be noted

306 ADDED ITEM - There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.

307 OTHER BUSINESS - On behalf of the scrutiny panel, the Vice-Chair thanked the Chairman for her leadership and hard work throughout the previous four years and wished her well for the future.