Meeting documents

People Scrutiny Panel 2018/19
Tuesday 21st November 2017

PRESENT: – Councillor T Foster in the Chair.

Councillors Ellerby, Godfrey, Ogg and Rowson.

Statutory Co-opted Members: Mr W Egan and Mr G Marsden (Church Representatives) and Mr S Milner (Parent Governor Representative).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

427 DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS, AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) - There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, personal or personal and prejudicial interests declared.

No whip was declared.

428 PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK- There were no requests received.

429 MINUTES - Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 31 October 2017, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman.

430 CHILDHOOD VACCINATION AND IMMUNISATION - ACTION PLAN – The Chairman welcomed Penny Spring, Director of Public Health, and Dr Phil Kirby, Screening and Immunisation Lead (North Yorkshire and Humber), NHS England - North, to the meeting. The Chairman explained to the panel that the council's constitution required draft action plans arising from scrutiny reports to be tabled at the relevant scrutiny panel prior to submission to Cabinet. As such, Dr Kirby had been invited to present the draft action plan in order to answer questions and allow members to submit comments to cabinet. Penny Spring had also been invited, as she plays a role in assuring that vaccination and immunisation policy is sufficiently robust in North Lincolnshire.

Dr Kirby took the recommendations from the scrutiny panel's report 'Childhood Vaccination and Immunisation' in turn, explaining the agreed actions, future work, lead for the specific task, and timescales. Dr Kirby responded to members' questions throughout. Penny explained that she was satisfied with local performance, and would maintain her assurance role.

Resolved - (a) That Dr Phil Kirby and Penny Spring be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members' questions, and (b) that cabinet be informed that the scrutiny panel fully supported the draft action plan, and would continue to monitor progress in its implementation.

431 OFSTED - INSPECTION OF SERVICES FOR CHILDREN IN NEED OF HELP AND PROTECTION, CHILDREN LOOKED AFTER AND CARE LEAVERS, AND REVIEW OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD - The Chairman welcomed Mick Gibbs, Director: Children and Community Resilience, and Peter Thorpe, Director: Learning, Skills and Culture to the meeting. Mick and Peter had been invited to provide an overview of Ofsted's recent report on services for children in need of help and protection, looked after children and care leavers, and the review of the Local Safeguarding Children Board.

Mick gave an overview of the review process, explaining that it had been very thorough, with Inspectors reviewing both policy and front-line practice, and speaking to service users. The results were extremely encouraging, with both Children's Services and the Local Safeguarding Children Board rated as outstanding - a performance which placed North Lincolnshire as the best-performing in the country.

Mick described the limited number of actions and recommendations, explaining work that had subsequently planned or completed. The panel then engaged in a general discussion around services for children and young people, asking questions of Mick and Peter on issues such as funding, social work, promoting independence and supporting families, and likely future inspections of services.

Resolved - (a) That all staff involved in the inspection and in achieving the hugely encouraging result be thanked for their continued efforts, and (b) that the report be noted.

432 ADDED ITEM - The Director: Governance and Partnerships informed the panel that there was one outstanding added item request on the Annual Adult Services Complaints report. Arrangements were underway to enable the panel to discuss this item.

Resolved - That the position be noted.