Agenda and minutes

Schools Forum - Thursday 6th October 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Church Square House, Scunthorpe

No. Item



Presented By: Chair


Apologies had been received from Mr L Riley, Mr R Biglands, Mr M Adnitt, Mrs A Nuttall, Mr A Sutherland, Mrs P Whittaker, Mrs J Flintoff and Mr D Chaplin.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests (if any)


There were no declarations of Disposable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


Minutes and Actions from last meeting for approval pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Presented By: Chair

Additional documents:


That the minutes of the last meeting held on 7 July 2022, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded, and be signed by the Chair.




Membership Update


The Secretary advised that the position of Primary Academy representative was still vacant, however the North Lincolnshire Association of Governing Bodies was attempting to find suitable candidate.


Mr M Adnitt, representing Secondary Academies, had recently resigned his position, therefore a new representative would be required.


Resolved – That Mr B Lawrance asks the Chair of the Secondary Heads group to send information to headteachers/principals to look for a volunteer to fill the vacancy.


De-delegation of budgets 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Presented By: Tracy Elliott

Additional documents:


Ms T Elliott presented the report.


As part of the Department for Education’s School Funding Reforms introduced from April 2013, local authorities were directed to delegate specific budgets to schools and academies.


Funding for de-delegated services must be allocated through the formula but could be passed back, or de-delegated, for maintained mainstream primary and secondary schools with Schools Forum approval.


De-delegation did not apply to special schools, or pupil referral units (PRUs).  However, those schools and academies would have the option to buyback these services at a cost based on the same amount per pupil as for maintained primary and secondary schools.


School Forum members for primary and secondary maintained schools must decide separately for each phase whether each service should be provided centrally.  The decision would apply to all maintained mainstream schools in that phase.


Fixed contributions must be decided on for the services so that funding could then be removed through the formula before school budgets were issued.


The report set out details of services that could be de-delegated and those de-delegated in North Lincolnshire.


Resolved – (a) That the proposal to de-delegate budgets as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed by members representing the primary maintained schools phase, and (b) that the proposal to de-delegate budgets as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed by members representing the secondary maintained schools phase.


School Funding Formula 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Presented By: Rosie Maughan


Mrs R Maughan presented the report.


On 19 July 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) published provisional National Funding Formula (NFF) allocations at local authority level for schools, high needs and central services funding blocks for 2023/24.


The 2023-24 funding allocation was the second year of the government’s three year funding settlement as announced at the spending review in 2021 and was the first year of transition to direct schools NFF.


Councils were now being directed to bring their local formulae closer to the NFF.  The Forum had supported the North Lincolnshire funding formula being close to the NFF for several years and it now matched where appropriate with some flexibility remaining over the sparsity factor methodology.  The table at Appendix 1 to the report showed the allowable factor value ranges which local formulae could use.


The report set out key changes in 2023-34.


A discussion ensued on the impact of rising costs for schools including the pay award and rising energy costs.  It was agreed that it was important for the council to be aware of the impact on schools both now and going forward, so that the situation could be fed back to the DfE.


Resolved – (a) That the application of the MFG at the 0.5% which was the maximum permission level it could be afforded; including the use of DSG earmarked reserve if required, be endorsed; (b) that Option 2, as set out in paragraph 3 of the report, be agreed; (c) that the continuation of the exceptional premises factor for listed buildings be agreed; (d) that final proposals for schools funding be submitted to the meeting in January 2023 on receipt of the final funding allocations in December 2022, and (e) that Headteachers feedback to Mrs R Maughan on the impact of rising costs, via the primary and secondary heads consortiums.


High Needs Update pdf icon PDF 606 KB

Presented By: Wendy Holmes/Julie Frost


Ms J Frost and Mrs W Holmes presented the report.


The report provided an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) High Needs outturn figures for 2021/22.


There were 1,149 children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) maintained by North Lincolnshire in January 2022.  This was an increase from the previous year, however it was a more stable rise than seen nationally and evidenced a positive impact of the council’s SEND and Inclusion strategy.  Requests for assessments had continued to rise steadily, in line with the national picture.


Independent provision placements had increased slightly from 10.2% in 2017/18 to 12% in 2020/21.  Whilst placement out of area had reduced significantly, some children and young people did attend provision in a neighbouring authority.  The greater proportion of children and young people attending an independent provision out of area had a primary need of social, emotional and mental health.


Inclusion budget areas had largely finalised as near full spend.  There had been some savings in the last year, however this was due to changes in alternative provision.


SEND capital projects in secondary were nearing completion.  In the primary sector, a potential site had been identified for a primary hub and was currently subject to a feasibility study and possible planning.  Due to its potential size, the hub would possibly provide support for all primary schools.


An expression of interest had been submitted to the Department for Education (DfE) in support of an SEMH special free school.  Discussions continued to consider a request for an AP free school for SEMH with interested trusts.  The expression of interest had now opened by the DfE.


Resolved – (a) That the developments to EHC planning and review and the recommendations for next steps, as set out in the report, be supported; (b) that local inclusion opportunities (SEND Capital Funding), so there would be continued opportunity for school to bid for support, in particular within the primary phase, be further developed; (c) that the consideration for an AP SEMH free school bid be supported, and (d) that the Special Free School Expression of Interest be supported.