Agenda and minutes

Place Scrutiny Panel - Monday 6th February 2023 4.00 pm

Venue: Room G01e, Ground Floor, Church Square House, Scunthorpe

Contact: Matthew Nundy  Email:

No. Item




There were no substitutions at the meeting.


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests and declarations of whipping arrangements (if any).


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, or personal or  personal and prejudicial interests.


No whip was declared.


To take the minutes of the meeting of the panel held on 4 October 2022 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign. pdf icon PDF 63 KB


Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 4 October 2022, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.


Public speaking request, if any.


There were no public speaking requests received.


Local Action Taken to Manage Flood Risk in North Lincolnshire


The Chairman welcomed the council's Head of Development (David Boreham), the council's Head of Environment (Chris Ramsbottom), the council's Highways Asset Manager (Mike Brown) and the council's Highways Operations Manager (Mick Johnson). to the meeting.  The Chairman explained that the officers had been invited to the meeting to discuss with the Panel current and planned work across North Lincolnshire to minimise and manage the risk of flooding.


The Panel received a detailed presentation from the witnesses, which covered the following issues:


Ø  Statutory duties of the Lead Local Flood Authority

Ø  Roles and Responsibilities in Flooding

Ø  Works and Projects

Ø  Liaison and Meetings

Ø  Emergency Response

Ø  Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Ø  Prioritisation of Risk Area

Ø  Highway Development and Sustainable Development Specifications


The Chairman then led a comprehensive discussion on issues that arose in the presentation and related matters.  This included consideration of remote monitoring of pumps, links between services involved in managing flood risk and the planning system, the role and operation of the Flood Risk Management Board, and existing works in Goxhill, Keadby, Bottesford and elsewhere.


Resolved – (a) That the council's Head of Development, Head of Environment, Highways Asset Manager and Highways Operations Manager be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions, and (b) that the situation be noted and the officers thanked for their ongoing work to minimise flood risk in the community;


Added Item (if any).


There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.


Any other items that the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances that must be specified.


There was no urgent business for consideration at the meeting.