Agenda item

Strategic Infrastructure


The Deputy Chief Executive, North Lincolnshire Council submitted a report which informed the Joint Committee of and confirmed proposed joint principles and definitions of strategic infrastructure across Greater Lincolnshire, and based upon these principles identified, confirmed and prioritised the joint strategic infrastructure needs that needed to be addressed on a Joint Lincolnshire basis.


The report explained that recently local authorities across greater Lincolnshire and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) had collaborated to create a single pipeline of schemes which arose from the Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the LEP Plan for Growth.  The pipeline was debated at the LEP board on 23rd April 2021 and there were plans to have a similar debate with local authorities following the recent elections.  This pipeline provided the best overview of project ambitions, but it was not comprehensive, and its delivery would require significant leadership. The single pipeline included a number of transport and of flood management/water management schemes.  These were large scale schemes which would require a strategic dialogue with the Department for Transport, Midlands Connect, Transport for the North, the Environment Agency, and other bodies in order for them to progress.


To build upon direction and momentum it was proposed that the Joint Committee identified core principles of how to define a true cross cutting infrastructure project or programme that benefitted the whole of the Greater Lincolnshire sub-region, demonstrated issues of joint interest for the Joint Committee’s members, and from that identified key infrastructure programmes where a unified greater Lincolnshire approach could add real value. On this basis the role of the Joint Committee was one of “lifting” such programmes and projects from these plans, spotting key strategic gaps and commissioning where a unified Greater Lincolnshire approach would be more beneficial and adding clear strategic oversight and support.


The Deputy Chief Executive, North Lincolnshire Council in his report proposed guiding principles of strategic Greater Lincolnshire infrastructure programmes or projects with:


-        Clear intra-boundary evidence led need and resulting economic, environmental or social benefit for Greater Lincolnshire.

-        Strategic fit within existing Greater Lincolnshire supporting documentation and where active awareness of each other’s key infrastructure projects will enable better strategic planning and deployment.

-        Where a Greater Lincolnshire collaborative approach would enhance a programme / projects success of successful bidding for funds.

Based upon these principles it was proposed that the Greater Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Oversight Committee agrees to take on board the strategic oversight of the following infrastructure programmes and projects which were set out and described in the report under the following headings –


Ø  Programme: strategic road transport corridors –

Trans Midlands Trade Corridor

A1 capacity improvements between Peterborough and Blyth


Ø  Programme: strategic rail links –

East – West South Humber Rail Link

Cleethorpes to London direct rail link


Ø  Programme:  water and flood management -

Development and implementation of the Humber and East Coast Flood Strategies

Fluvial and surface water strategies


Ø  Programme:  digital infrastructure -

Acceleration of roll-out of gigabit technology to all parts of greater Lincolnshire

Pilot schemes


Ø  Programme: active travel -

Cycling and walking strategies

Passenger transport


Ø  Programme: energy and utilities -

Local Area Energy Framework


Ø  Programme: carbon management -

Infrastructure for carbon management

In addition, the report proposed that due their potential size of investment and bidding nature at present was an oversight of the strategic highway infrastructure programmes being submitted by the three member authorities as part of the Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ ambition.


-        NLC = Brigg Link Road, Barton By-Pass, South Humber Freight Strategy.

-        NELC = West Grimsby Relief Road

-        LCC = Spalding western relief road, Lincoln to Skegness coastal highway, improved traffic flows in Boston and Skegness


It was also proposed that as part of the programme management approach previously agreed that a coordinated update report be presented to the Joint Committee on a quarterly basis through the Greater Lincolnshire Joint Intelligence Strategy Unit to ensure members have clear sight of progress and synergy through such an approach. This would allow the Joint Committee to have strategic capacity and oversight whilst also be aware of the performance of each of the strands of activity. The Joint Committee’s role was to take action on exception reporting and to agree strategic direction.


Members also discussed the need for consideration of (i) an associated ‘Infrastructure Plan’ aligned with a strategic marketing strategy and clear narrative and position statement for Greater Lincolnshire, and (ii) coordination of communicating/negotiating with regional partners and government across boundaries.


Resolved – (a) That the proposed principles of strategic infrastructure be agreed; (b) that the proposed infrastructure themes identified and associated key funding bids be approved; (c) that the need for collaborative working and an outcome based approach on strategic infrastructure be reinforced and where it can the Joint Committee add value to the need to speak to Government with one voice; (d) that the anticipated need for enhanced resources be noted, but that any subsequent decision regarding resource allocation be subject to a future further report containing details and implications, and (e) that a report(s) on (i) proposals for an associated ‘Infrastructure Plan’ aligned with a strategic marketing strategy and clear narrative and position statement for Greater Lincolnshire and (ii) coordination of communicating/negotiating with regional partners and government across boundaries, be submitted to a future meeting.

Supporting documents: