Agenda item

Industrial De-Carbonisation


The Deputy Chief Executive, North Lincolnshire Council submitted a report informing the Joint Committee of progress within the Industrial De-Carbonisation agenda and highlighted key existing work strands within the De-Carbonisation approach and which organisation would lead on them.


The report explained that to ensure that existing industrial sectors within Greater Lincolnshire remained competitive and that re-investment occurs, in addition to the public policy agenda of reducing the carbon footprint of business to meet Government targets, the De-Carbonisation agenda had gathered some considerable momentum over the last few years. This had been reflected in the decision by the Joint Committee to select De-Carbonisation as one of its key sectors of oversight. Also due to the scale of the issue and by its very nature its explicit reliance on all organisations undertaking complementary activity it was agreed that the Greater Lincolnshire activity should align and complement with that already underway through the auspices of the Humber Leadership Board. To ensure that a strategic fit and complementarity occurs a joint oversight group had been established, chaired by North Lincolnshire Council.


The Deputy Chief Executive, North Lincolnshire Council in his report explained that the ‘De-Carbonisation Joint Oversight Group had met twice with representation from: North Lincolnshire Council, Greater Lincolnshire LEP, Humber and East Yorkshire LEP, CATCH, Orsted and Marketing Humber. Guiding principles of the group were:


-        To ensure that De-Carbonisation projects and programmes are aligned in their strategic direction and positioning and that economies of scope can be achieved.

-        That through this approach any unnecessary duplication of resource is removed.

-        That common platforms and data can be shared

-        Where a Greater Lincolnshire / Humber collaborative approach would enhance a programme / projects success of successful bidding for funds.

-        Increasingly national strategies are framed within a decarbonisation agenda and the group therefore can ensure a Greater Lincolnshire context for national engagement and programme delivery

Discussions had centred around coherent messaging, brand development and further research into activity.  Existing large-scale projects included:


·       Humber Industrial Cluster Plan (CATCH / HER LEP)

·       Waterline (Marketing Humber)

·       Greater Lincolnshire Energy Council – Energy Investment Proposition (GL LEP)

·       Humber Zero (P66 + private sector + Innovate UK Govt)

·       Renewables Cluster Initiative (Orsted)

·       East Coast Hydrogen (Centrica)

·       Green Growth Plan (GL LEP)


Future activity was to research and audit the full extent of activity within the Humber and Greater Lincolnshire region, the relevant targets set (to seek a standardisation where possible) and from this develop a coherent narrative and associated target audience mapping.


The report proposed that as part of the programme management approach previously agreed that a coordinated update report be presented to the Joint Committee on a quarterly basis through the Greater Lincolnshire Joint Intelligence Strategy Unit to ensure members have clear sight of progress and synergy through such an approach. This would allow the Joint Committee to have strategic capacity and oversight whilst also be aware of the performance of each of the strands of activity. The Joint Committee’s role was to take action on exception reporting and to agree strategic direction.


Resolved – (a) That the information and progress made be noted; (b) that the future direction as outlined in the report be supported; (c) that the need for collaborative working and an outcome based approach on the subject of De-Carbonisation be reinforced, and where it can the Joint Committee add value to the need to speak to Government with one voice, and (d) that the anticipated need for enhanced resources be noted, but that any subsequent decision regarding resource allocation be subject to a future further report containing details and implications.


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