Agenda item

PA/2021/894 Planning Permission to erect two retail units and one drive-thru unit (Class E) with associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping at Kingsway House, land east of Kingsway Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 2AE


An objector stated that he was speaking on behalf of a number of residents who would be affected by the proposals, and highlighted there had been just under 100 objections on the planning portal.  He said there would be no benefit to the community from the proposals and there was not a need for it in the area due to their being similar outlets within the vicinity.  He said they were also concerned about the increase in traffic and noise on what was already a busy junction.


The agent responded and thanked the officer for a comprehensive report. He highlighted the land had been allocated for housing but nobody was able to find a suitable option that would work.  He stated the land hand been vacant for 10 years and was untidy.  He said the investment would clean up the area and bring many more jobs with it, and there was no other site acceptable. He mentioned two trees would have to be removed in the process but a further four would be planted to replace them, and a good landscaping scheme would enhance the character of the street scene.


The Chairman read out a letter of objection from the local MP Holly Mumby-Croft.


Cllr Waltham MBE felt the location was a prime location for development but not of this kind. He was concerned that the commercial proposal would take away business from the Town Centre and there was more suitable locations available.  He said the area was a residential area, not commercial and would have a great impact on nearby residents.  Also concerning was the loss of the well-established trees on the site. He urged the committee to refuse the application.


Cllr Wilson spoke as the Local Ward Member. Knowing the area very well and the land that had been vacant for 10 years, and the trees on the site that had always been there. He said it would be a great loss if they were to be removed, and felt it was an inappropriate development for the site and location.


Cllr C Sherwood stated he had serious concerns about the application and the speakers against it only reinforced those concerns.  He disagreed with the Highways comments in the report and felt it was a busy junction and could cause problems if approved as Ashby Road was already very congested. He also disagreed with the sequential assessment which accompanied the application as he didn’t agree that some of the sites assessed were unsuitable, particularly the Ashby market site.  The loss of the trees were also a concern for him.


Cllr Bainbridge, Grant and Southern also had concerns about the application as they felt it was the wrong place, and the wrong development.


Clarification was sought from Cllr C Sherwood as to the reasons for refusal and it was confirmed to be that the application was contrary to policies LC12, CS16 and S8.


It was moved by Cllr C Sherwood and seconded by Cllr Wells –


That planning permission be refused for the following reasons –


. 1.


The proposal, if permitted, would result in the loss of trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order and it is proposed to introduce hardstanding and hard landscaping within the root protection areas of TPO trees on the site. The proposal therefore has the potential to result in root severance and compaction to the detriment of the health of the trees and their contribution to the visual amenity of the area. The proposal is thus considered contrary to saved policy LC12 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan, and policy CS16 of the adopted Core Strategy.




The applicant has not sufficiently demonstrated that there are no alternative sites within Scunthorpe Town Centre or Ashby High Street District Centre that could accommodate the development and that the proposal will have no adverse impact on the vitality and viability of Scunthorpe town centre, Ashby High Street district centre and the nearby local shopping area at Brumby Corner. The proposal therefore fails to comply with saved policy S8 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.


                                                   Motion Carried.

Supporting documents: