Agenda item

Mini-Bus Fleet Investment


The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 23 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


23.     MINI-BUS FLEET INVESTMENT – The Director: Economy and Environment submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on the council’s transformation programme to improve the transport offer for the most vulnerable young people and adults, and seeking approval to launch a procurement exercise to purchase new mini-buses.


The council supports the most vulnerable young people and adults to access education and activities daily through the transport offer.  Transport was provided five days a week for 39 weeks a year. 


Schools transport for most children was provided through the contracts facilitated through local bus companies.


A capital allocation to support the transformation was agreed as part of the budget approval process by Full Council covering financial years 2022/23 to 2023/24.


To enable the council to provide the right outcome, there were three different design specifications of minibuses across the fleet which offered flexibility in terms of passenger and/or wheelchair numbers, it was proposed to replace up to 38 mini-buses through a phased procurement process.


Resolved – (a) That the transformation of the council’s transport offer be endorsed; (b) that the procurement to support the transformation be approved and (c) that the award decision be delegated to the Director: Economy and Environment.


24.     CARE LEAVERS FINANCIAL POLICY – The Director: Children and Families submitted a report seeking approval of the updated Care Leavers Financial Policy, which outlined the package of financial support available to young people leaving care.


The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 3: Planning Transition to Adulthood for Care Leavers set out the requirement for councils to have a ‘clear written and transparent financial policy’ that ‘sets out what entitlements young people have’.


In the 2021/22 financial year, the Financial Policy was updated, and an addition to the Policy was to include an additional support payment to be made to all young people open to the care leaving function of Children and Families, to provide some additional support to young people who were faced with pressures due to the increase in costs of gas and electricity. As 2022/23 progressed, the Financial Policy had been reviewed and updated again. The updated Policy contained the additional support payment again for 2022/23, with a 6-month review date included in October 2023, to consider whether this payment continued to be required.


A further change to the Financial Policy included an increased amount that young people would be entitled to receive from North Lincolnshire, as part of their ‘setting up home grant’.  In 2021/22, this amount was specified as £2000 per young person, to support them move into their first home.  However, a key recommendation within ‘The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care; Final Report’ was ‘increasing the leaving care grant to £2,438 for care experienced people’. In line with this, the updated Financial Policy included a setting up home grant of £2450 per young person.


Resolved – That the implementation of the revised Care Leavers Financial Policy be approved.


25.     TRANSFORMATION OF OUR TRANSPORT OFFER – The Director: Economy and Environment submitted a report seeking approval for a pilot to provide Section 22 Community Transport on two registered bus routes in North Lincolnshire, which would operate Monday to Friday, subject to all approvals being place.


Public transport was a key enabler of sustainable economic growth, social mobility and equitable opportunity.  The key to the council’s future market was creating a balance on investment versus sustainability of the transport offer.


In 2021 Government published a National Bus Strategy for England – ‘Bus Back Better’, the strategy.  The strategy set out some clear barriers to delivering a ‘better’ public transport offer, based on demand and connectivity, ensuring that everyone could be connected.


The pilot would provide registered bus routes in North Lincolnshire which would operate Monday to Friday in North Lincolnshire connecting villages to the principle towns of Brigg and Barton.  It would also support connectivity to Epworth from the surrounding villages on the Isle.


The pilot would provide vital data and intelligence for the transformation of the public transport offer during the next year.  The council had sought funding through Shared Prosperity Fund to support the proposal.


Resolved – (a) That the pilot, subject to all of the relevant approvals, governance and assurance being in place through the Traffic Commissioner, be approved; (b) that four weekly updates be submitted to the Cabinet Member on the take up of the pilot to determine continuation, and (c) that the data, intelligence and insight be used to develop the transformation of the council’s future public transport offer.