Agenda item

Members' Allowances - Remuneration Panel

Report of the Director: Outcomes


The Director: Outcomes submitted a report requesting Council to consider the report of the North Lincolnshire Independent Remuneration Panel in order to approve a Scheme of Members’ Allowances for the financial year 2024/2025 (or for a further reasonable period), in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (the Regulations).  The Panel’s report was attached as an appendix to the Director’s report.


The Council was required to make an annual scheme of Members' Allowances for each financial year. The Council may set a scheme for a minimum of one year or for a further reasonable period; previously the Council approved a scheme for one-year 2023/24. The Council could not make or amend a scheme without first having regard to recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP).


The Independent Remuneration Panel currently comprised four Independent Members, two who also sat on North East Lincolnshire Councils IRP. The Independent Remuneration Panel had met almost monthly in person since October 2023. Its work had reviewed and considered North Lincolnshire Council’s Scheme whilst comparing and benchmarking with several similar sized unitary and other local principal councils. It also provided the opportunity for members to comment on the Scheme and welcomed agreed suggestions of a cross-party elected member working group which had help shape its report and recommendations. The council’s Chief Finance Officer (S151) had also received a copy of the IRP report.


Moved by Councillor Waltham MBE and seconded by Councillor L Foster as a joint motion-


‘That the council acknowledge that there has been no increase in members allowances for 12 years a 53% RPI saving, also that the Leaders allowance was reduced by 25% in 2011.


(a)That the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) be thanked for its work, report and consultation with the council’s cross-party Working Group on Members’ Allowances; (b) that having taken into consideration the IRP’s recommendations set out in its report that a members’ allowance scheme as set out below be approved and adopted as follows –


(i)that the Basic Allowance for all members be increased by 3.9% for 2024/25 linked to the (CPI) Consumer Price Index (average), and further annual increases up to a maximum of 3% linked to the CPI (average) for 2025/26 and 2026/27 be applied – the percentage increase to be agreed by full Council annually and thereafter also applied for future four year terms of administration, subject to a required first year IRP review at the beginning of each of the four-year term of administration or as required by relevant statutory regulations,



(ii) that the Leader of the Council’s executive portfolio to now include the Ambassador for Inward Investment and Steel, representing a saving of one special responsibility allowance to enable the funding of the proposed scheme,


(iii) that remaining Special Responsibility Allowances increase by 3% for 2024/25 and then further annual increases linked to CPI (average) up to a maximum of 3% for 2025/26 and 2026/27 be applied – the percentage increase to be agreed by full Council annually and thereafter also applied for future four-year terms of administration, subject to a required first year IRP review at the beginning of each of the four-year term of administration or as required by relevant statutory regulations,


(iv) that that the above costs be offset by savings made in levels of the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) not being claimed by members who have two responsibilities but under the provisions of the scheme are only entitled to one SRA (that being the greater of the two), together with the ongoing reduction in overall savings from members’ annual mileage claims and the deletion of the Ambassador for Inward Investment and Steel Lead Member.


(v) that Travel Allowances 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27 remain at the levels set for the current 2023-24 scheme, the levels being consistent with recommended HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom) rates,


(vi) that the IRP’s further observations be noted, and


(vii) that the approved scheme be set out in the Council’s Constitution and be published on the Council’s website in accordance with the specified Regulations’.



                                                               Joint Motion Carried Unanimously



Supporting documents: