Committee details

Deputy Leader - Adults, Health, Families and Communities Cabinet Member

Purpose of committee

(a)      The functions and areas of policy and decision-making responsibility to the extent that they are not non-executive are:

(i)     To undertake responsibilities of the Leader in his absence and deputise for the Leader as required

(ii)    To be the vice-chair of Cabinet

(iii)    Strategic Lead for Health and Social care integration

(iv)   To act as the lead for community development and delivery

(v)    Adult Social Care (as defined in the Care Act, Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act)

(vi)   Social Work Professional Standards (Adults) and Adult Safeguarding

(vii)   Integrated Health and Social Care Commissioning

(viii)  Promote a sufficient, high quality and sustainable care market

(ix)   Champion vulnerable adults and carers across the Health and Wellbeing Board partnerships and the NHS

(x)    Vulnerable Adult Engagement, Advocacy and Complaints

(xii)   Housing sufficiency to meet needs of vulnerable adults

(xiii)  Strategic lead for Housing Advice and Homelessness Prevention

(xiv)  Chair the North Lincolnshire ICB and work with partners on gaining effective representation on the ICP

(xv)  Community Grants approval and External Funding Development

(xvi)  Emergency Planning and Civil Contingencies

(b)      Additional specific delegated decision powers to:

(i)     Approve Statements of Purpose for North Lincolnshire Council Care Quality Commission regulated provision

(ii)    Receive Annual reports in respect of Statutory Complaints

