
Deputy Leader - Adults and Health Cabinet Member - 2022-2023 - Wednesday 14th December 2022

No. Item


Adult Social Care: End of Year Performance 2021/22


3        ADULT SOCIAL CARE: END OF YEAR PERFORMANCE 2021/22 – The Director: Adults and Health submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of the end of year performance outturn for North Lincolnshire adult social care.


The National Adult Social Care Outcome Framework (ASCOF) comparator information for 2021/22 had been published, enabling the council to understand outcomes for local people and compare performance with other councils in England, regionally and with comparator authorities.


This year had seen a return to the full indicator set being collated and published following the suspension of mandated surveys during the height of the Covid pandemic.


These measures helped the council to understand the outcomes and experiences of the most vulnerable and how the people of North Lincolnshire were enabled to be safe, well, prosperous and connected in line with council priorities of:


·       Keeping people safe and well

·       Enabling resilient and flourishing communities

·       Enabling economic growth and renewal

·       Providing value for money for local taxpayers


The reports headlines were:


·       The council had now improved its position for indicators in the top quartile and were now in the top five of authorities in England.

·       24 of 26 indicators were above the England average compared to 22 in 2020/21, evidencing continuous improvement in the council’s performance.

·       23 of 26 indicators were above the regional average, maintaining the position of 2021/22.

·       18 out of 26 indicators were in the top quartile compared to 15 in 2020/21.


The report gave further details on how the council worked with people to maintain and regain independence, how support was provided to people in receipt of services and feedback from people and their carer’s who received support.


Resolved – That the 2021/22 Adult Social Care Outcome Framework results for North Lincolnshire be noted.